Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Second Blog

Oh boy. I think this is my second blog. The computer isn't responding right to new password and I wanted to say a few words about someone who has been a major help to me in caring for my step-dad.

The name is simply given as T.J. at customer support for allmed wholesale.

Customer support is so what he does. Finding things I needed for my convalescing Dad who I was removing from nursing home to his home left me floundering. My Dad having previously worked for a Pharmaceuticals Distribution firm, I knew there was such a thing as wholesale. But where to find and would they be honest? I know some of the local "Medical Supply" places would have a person mortgaging their souls to get the supplies they need. And the "Rent-a-Wheelchair" etc. programs would have cost in one month what it costs to buy one outright. Dumb government again. They'll pay 10 times the cost of purchase in renting, but yet insist the thing must be rented not purchased. Ridiculous from every aspect.

I had less than a week to get everything my Dad needed, from wound care items to the wheelchair. I placed the order online overnight and immediately the next day I got a call from T.J. He knew the right questions to ask, so the right product would be delivered, from the size of my Dad to the maneuvering space in his home to removable or non-removable arms on the wheelchair. TJ got it to me in quite time sufficient to allow me to familiarize myself with it and very timely before actual need. What a blessing indeed.

It didn't stop there. TJ helped me make sure I got the right bandaging materials, the right personal wear, even the right nightshirts. (My Dad's body temperature was running quite subnormal due to the nursing home use of an air bed designed to prevent bedsores but not hypothermia.)

It's been nearly a year since then. The service remains as top-notch as ever. TJ's committment to Customer Care never flagged. Not even when I had problems with my Dad's credit card. I had left my "call me" number in the comments or special instructions block. He called. He took the time to make sure everything that was coming my way was right and gave the time to help me get my end right. Not always easy when it included some computer SNAFU and lacking access to reorder numbers.

TJ Singh at allmedwholesale has never let me down. It's been a year now and there has been no slack-off in service, no "I don't have time, I have new customers now", none of the usual hurtful practices when you know a company couldn't care about you and will bankrupt you if you allow. Allmed Wholesale of Corona, CA has made this long convalescence far less distressing monetarily than had I chosen another company. I have never had to worry whether or not I would have to begin reusing bandages on a man who has recurrent MRSA on his skin, wounds included. My Dad is also diabetic and asthmatic. And I had no one to confer with on any of this because multiple strokes left my Dad somewhat impaired. A year ago, that mixed with the wrong medicine, an Alzheimer's drug given when he does not have Alzheimers and his medical histroy precludes it, left him with all the symptoms of Alzheimer's and a recurrence of rhabdomyolisis. My Dad was oblivious, not able to realize he was in his own house, unable to get up from his wheelchair without help from both myself and his aide. TJ was always understanding, always helpful, even when I couldn't manage my own computer. (That's typical for me.) He went thru lists and identifiers with me, asked how things were going. He says he's not really a medical professional. But he has been good medicine for me and a blessing I sorely needed. If you are facing a long term care situation, don't waste time running around trying to find anything with a reasonable price tag on it. Type allmedwholesale.com into your browser and when you do connect, breathe that sigh of relief.
I rarely give endorsements. When I do, you can believe it was merited.

Sometimes in this life we get blessings we have come not to expect. It used to be good business practice way back when. Not these days.