Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nacht Dacht

Es scheint mir aus, das EU jetzt ein ganzes land ist--or sowas daneben, so..

Spanien hat arbeitlosigkeit problemen. Deutschland hat USA soldaten, immer noch, wie viele Jahren nach das Russland ausgezogen ist?

So, schicke Boter an Spanien so sie koenen lernen wie wirtschaft zu bauen. Schick die USA Soldaten an USA zuruick. Mannschaft kann Bundeswehr oder von Spanien sein. Ja, es macht es etwas tipsy ein paar Jahren, aber nachher ist ganz Europa selbstaending, ohne USA. Zusammen macht es. Auseinander zerbricht alles.

Ist nur eine dacht, nicht ein ganzer plan. Aber Deutsche denken am besten! So mach was mit der grunz Idee! Bitte! !

Ich muss jeden Tag mit diese verfalschungen von diese Leute Kaempfen. Sie sind Reubern, Luegern, und denken das sie ein Recht haben, die ganze Welt zu Uiberstehen. Und ich hatte vom ersten tag etwas hochmaechtig dagegen, wie sie auf Privat Laender tretent, denken das sie haben ein Recht zu gehen wo sie moechten weil sie die USA sind. Nicht alle, but manche. Und ihr wissen schon wo ich sagte sie koennen gehen. Aber dann hat Omi Gango mir gesagt, ich soll sie stets zum Buirgermeister schicken......

Eure liebe vuir mich hab ich nimals vergessen. Die Beste Leute die es in der ganze Welt gibt. Und das hat lebelang mein Herz zerissen. Ihr hatten vuir alle gut gemacht und diese sind nur um ihren eigensinningen, hochnaesigen selbsten. Und das land herum stinkt zum Himmel Hoch mit verschmutzung--nicht wie der Misthofen, etwas das dreht mein magen um-Fabriken ablauf, mit Sch____gemischt. Und zu viele Leute und ungenuigend Geld dafuir. Und sie legen euch alle an-8 billionen? Von woh wan sie kein Geld haben? Oder so sie sagen ihre Leute hier.....

Ich war vom anfang richtig. Ich glaubte es nicht. Und es ist nict wie sie sagen. Es ist ein verschlumpertes Land das verschlumpert alle. Die kennen ihren Kopfen nicht von ihrem Eseln. Und sie willen nichts gescheidtes wissen. Es ist keine Democracy. Es ist eine Kapitalistiche Megalopoly und Freiheit gibt es nicht. Spaetstestens haben sie dies "Arbeit Macht Frei" idee wiederholt, aber stets gegn Juden, drehen sie es gegen die das krank und hilflos sind. Eine schande und es ist meine hoffnung das mein Deutschland nicht wie sie bekommen ist. Privat Versicherung=Bankbruch. Frag doch den Herr Edith Gango, Richard Murphy. Alles das er sein leben lang erschaffte ist neben kaput; sein haus das war ganz bezahtl jetzt hat $27,000.00 das muss zuruck zahlt sein und er braucht $20,000.00 mehr; so das macht $47,000.00 schulden und credit card ist $15,000.00 und er hat nur, von $200,000.00 stock jetzt $56,000.00. Monatlich kriegt er nur $2,461.00.
Wegen "Privat Versicherung" "Amerikanischen "Values". Amerikanischen Medizin. Amerikanischen Weg. Scheusslichen Weg ist es. Und es hat Harald an 46 Jahren nur tot gemacht.

Ich hatte einen guten anfang zum Leben gehabt wann ich noch klein auf Morgen war. Schreiberei vuir "Die Zeitung", kunst vorlage mit meinem Sticken, und immer wollte ich Singen. Aber Edith und USA hatten andere ideen die nichts mit mir zu tuhn hatten. Und das hat den Harald so ganz jung ertotet.

Verstehen ihr? Meine hoffnung ist, ja. Und wann es so geworden ist, dreh es wieder richtig herum-wie es war wann ich letztesmal daheim war. Ich weiss es war einen Amerikanischen (und Edith) plot das ich nicht zu Heim konnte weil sie hatten gewusst das ich gegen ihren wegen halte. Und nach 52 jahren hier, jedes Jahr, immer mehr so.

Ich bin nur Sturkopfig genug um gegn sie zu stehen, und wann ich tot bin, kannich nicht. Ich muss noch die Einaschern den Harald zuhause zuruick bringen so seine Seele ruhe bekommt. Immer in meine Traume ist er dabei. Auser ihm, bin ich ganz allein. Nur meine zwei Katzen. Besser dan als einen Amerikaner zu heiraten.

Nachricht bitte verbreiten.



Freiheit, Freiheit, Rette Mich!

Es ist am 1 Juni  so lange - 14,590 Tagen das ich kann nicht an meine Heimat zuruick.

Es ist schade, die Gemuisen e. coli tragen. Normal ist es hier auf Fleisch und Mayonnaise. Essig hilft weil das e. coli lebt nicht so gut darin.

Aber, wann es Ausfall von NATO Bomben gibt, wer kann wissen, was tragt auf den Wind?

Alles gut und sauber abwaschen, im Kuilschrank zuhalten.

Wuinsche alle das beste. Bleiben sie alle wohl.

Pegi (Moergen 3, Moergen 50)-bis 1959.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dear God


I live in the damndest place
It is called the USA.
They just do not understand
It is of them that I lament.
There's  a woman here who thinks
That she should be president.
Her idea, if you want to eat
Is step outside your door and kill.
It makes a lot more sense to plant
So we can eat next year again.
Chicken eggs, cows and goat milk
Give us lots of nourishment.
Crepes and omelets, milk and cheese
Butter, custard, and ice cream.
As they sow, so should they reap,
So dear God please hear my plea
Let me win the Power Ball
Yes, dear God, I want it all
So I can make the Harvest Ball.
Leave this hell of rotten lies
Where Democracy has died
Haven't made my mind up yet
Which my homeland really is.
Perhaps in the South of France
Or on the Austrian Alps;
Maybe Baden_Wurttenberg
(I forgot-is Rammstein there?)
Could it be my home is Suisse?
I am quite neutral as it is
Condemning them all equally
When they lie and cheat and steal.
But at times I wonder too
Why I so love Gold and Blue.
If I knew where I got lost from
I would know where to go home.
Where my heart and love do live
I won't tell these S.O.B.'s.
Maybe Grezland, maybe Sweden
Maybe Russia holds my Eden.
As sure as I am of my name
My home is not the USA.
That is just the place I live
It's my nightmare, but it's real.
So dear God, I need to win
My soul is dieing here with them.

Pegi, 28 May 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

ROCK MY SOUL- "Third Lament"


I'm eighty cents short of a dollar
The usual pay for a scholar
All the days of my soul
I'm going broke.

An artist;s life isn't Heaven
Without business connections
In the U.S. of A.
I'm not o.k.

It's been one lie after another
In the name of the Washington dokkar
And the lady in gold
This statue so cold
Though she says differently
Holds no hope.

And the shield at the U.N. read
"We will beat their weapons into plowshares"
When will this promise occur?
Not while one renegade President
Stands and tries to take command
Of everyone in every land
While his own people
Cannot stand?

I am not here as their shield
Nor to protect these egotists
I would rather I be dead
Than to deter
The reapers price for
What they have earned.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Answer to A Question Asked by Congressman's Employee

Dear Sherwoood:

Last year you were attempting to assist me with a tax problem regarding my stepfather. The end result was that they grabbed $1,600. from hi bank account. Shortly thereafter, the State of New Jersey demanded an additional payment of $600.+, neither giving me the right to intercede in his behalf nor the time to discover the dicrepency. Part of it is the Capital Losses sustained by the bankruptcy of MCI. For the year 2010, I discovered more capital losses and will once again have to have a now competent Accountant refile once I am well enough to collect the data involved.

This is very difficult to do when they refuse to honor multiply filed Powers of Attorney. You see, on 3 previous occasions, I proved the IRS wrong and they were not about to go up against me on a 4th loss. So they did what any good crookster would-conveniently insisted they had no Power of Attorney on record, despite that clearly they did for three years prior.

Just this year my stepfather was well enough to sign his own name, but not prepare his paperwork. I discovered an unfiled income document, so an amended return was immediately filed. Once I am well enough to do so, there will be yet another amended return filed regarding capital losses of a minimum of $3,000., possibly more. I only recently have been the administrator of his Charles Schwab IRA. He had entrusted this account to a consulting firm who failed to perform to satisfaction. Had I not, my Dad would have, on that same stock, lost another $2,000. , all within 3 months time.

On the heels of this and last August, I was bombrded with inquisitions regarding my disabilites.

When we spoke, you asked me why do I not simply get up and go to Germany. I was so stunned by the question I was unable to respond. I am, for your  understanding, telling you now the following:

1. I am physically disabled. There have been additional injuries since the original onset of my disabilites.
2. When I go to Germany, I will never again return to the USA,
3. There will be massive paperwork plus a 20% penalty against my benefits for repatriating to my homeland.
4. The medical costs under Medicare and failure to pay major portions of costs including dental forced me to go into credit card debt, a thing I had never done in mu life. This needs to be dischearged before I leave.
5. Social Security Disability does not allow me to earn monies sufficient for self-survival before they cancel benefits.
6. I am aware that the Republican Congress has chosen to steal even more money from the pockets of those least able to pay in their recent rulings. It seems they are out to bankrupt the elderly and the sick,institutional them, and grab their assets. Since I have not paid into the Medical Care system of my Homeland, I have to purchase insurance to go there, which is not affordable on the current financial restrictions of Social Security and Medicare. In fact, many Medicare plans will not even pay for medical care in another state outside of an emergency. What kind of freedom is this? None.
7.I still have to see to the wellbeing of my stepfather. My leaving now would cause his death. I am not willing to do that.
8. I have had my cat for 17 years. I am not certain of the rules involving bringing her home with me, or if she would be able to endure the journey. I will not abandon her at that age to anyone else.
9. I will, as I am able to, begin selling my furniture and clothing and miscellaneous household items so I can be free of them when my time to leave does come, which will be either on the full recovery of my stepfather or after the disposition of all legal matters after his death.
10. At the time when we spoke, I had not yet decided whether to retain or renounce my U.S. Citizenship permanently. This decision has been now made due to the actions of certain factions of the US Government, it's President's promises for billions in aid to foreign countries when US citizens are starving and struggling and losing their homes. In addition, his attempts to force "US Values" on the rest of the world are not policies with which I can allegiege myself as I do know better ways.
11. Given the circumstances of my presence in the USA, against my will and under false information and pretence of the abductress, the USA never having assisted me in righting this grievance, I have no alternative morally but to renounce my US citizenship, it having been obtained by false information and false promise in the first place, consider it to be illegal and I do not feel I owe the USA anything, but am considering legal action as to those matters. I have only not done so out of concern for my stepfather's life. While he is not innocent of complicity in destroying every opportunity I had to rise above, he was naive and ignorant as I have from the first found many younger Americans to be, and due to that indoctrination and the lies of his wife, never really knew who I am or what I was able to become. Both parties, however, did their utmost to attempt to keep me in their personal control. It didn't work. Most of my life was a battle against them rather than the ability to move forward.

Psychometric testing proved what I said: I had repressive amnesia. All consciousness of my pre-USA childhood was dormant due to the mental andemotional battering of my being in this country and the need of the abductress to not be discovered. She died in 2001. Slowly I have been able to explain to my stepfather what actually transpired and why I spent the first two years here crying all the time. He has done much to make my presence here bearable despite his errors while I lived there. He did not graduate high school in the USA until one year after I was born, having never left the country until his deployment to Germany. On the so-called "adoption papers", he gave a German, not a US address. That petition was denied 3 times. No doubt had he given his US address, it would have been denied again. At the age of 8, while waiting for my parents to return from their mission to the Congo on German Government business, I was lured to and forever detained in the USA. I got to go home one time. I came back only to gather some clothing and personal items when for the second time the abductress stole my return portion of my airplane ticket in it's entirety. I had no proof to bring to the airlines that anything was lost or stolen; I was deeply traumatized and took my suitcases from her house and hit the streets of New Brunswick, finding friends who would put me up until I was able to stabilize my life somewhat. Everytime it did, she caused it to fall apart. I will not tolerate in my life anyone who took her word over mine. I don't appreciate being told I am nuts when I am telling the truth.
12. I have endured this much only through the use of prescribed psychotropic drugs. Not they, but the reasons for their need, did cause me to consider ending my life. I did not do so only because I know if I did so, I would never get out of this country. Naturally, when those thoughts were discussed with my doctor, the medications were changed and much of my consternation suppressed. Unfortunately, in these many years, the US reality has become worse, not better.
13. This last onslaught of inquisitions and threats to remove my only means to support to which I am fully entitled crossed the line. I do not know at this time which country I will be patriating to, but that I am expatriating any false or real claims the US holds on me as their citizen will be dissolved, permanently.
14. Alliances formed between myself and others for common goals will hold no matter where I go but I will never again allow my presence here to act as a shield of any manner.
15. I have a new motto for Congressman Holt (Since reading the Constitution to Republicans was an exercise in futility):
"If it is not done for the General Welfare of the People of the United States of America, it is against the Constitution of the United  States of America". Killing Lybians and infiltrating other countries only depletes tax dollars needed to ensure the General Welfare and Common Good of the People of the United Staes of America.

I am sorry so many who are charged with this responsibility have failed and prevented those who acted to do so from accomplishing the purpose under which the USA was founded. And by my count, they should be abolished, impeached, unseated.

I am hoping it will be less than two years until I am able to leave. In the meantime, I would expect no interference of my freedoms to act as a free-born person in my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as is fit for my person and not subject to comment or interference from false patriots.

Wishing you the very best success and with Highest Regard to Congressman Holt,
I am
Prinzessin Regine "Pegi" Hohenzoller, House of Hohenzollern, daughter of Nikolaus and Johanna,
aka USA "Peggy Eleonore Murphy"

PS: If anyone has had contact or knowledge of my genetic relatives, I would appreciate having it. I know how impossible it is to find someone who was lost, especially in a foreign country, and trying to use the internet leads only to demands for moneys. A search of available resources did not locate my parents in Germany. They may well be in another area of the E.U., maybe even Serbia. (Something about their flag resembles what was my "Hauptschild".) I only know I cannot accomplish this from here under the constraints of my disabilties and financial distress.

If this does not clarify your questions, I am sorry. But where I am from and this mass of metal and concrete I am surrounded with are as different as Heaven and Hell. And I am heartbroken with homesickness for the peace of my homeland and my birthright.

The Trouble with Repression

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The Governments who prevent people from obtaining input from other people are denied the right to make their own decisions based on experience and truth and instead are left open to "whispers in their ears" from agitators and anit-government infiltrators.

I practice my own censhorship. When it is malarky and not representative of the majority reality, I do not watch it.
I also do not watch any news programs generated in the USA by it's stations because they are slanted in favor of whatever folly gives in Government and on personal levels.

If anyone thinks the USA would not fire on people who advanced on their military installations, they are wrong. They have incarcerated, beaten and shot people involved in peaceful demonstrations and legal gatherings. At Guantanamo (Gitmo), they do fire on Cubans who try to enter the compund. So they take to the seas, thinking for some reason things are better here. Only if you're willing to lie, steal, and live communally-all of which are the means of survival for many. If you get away with communal living for a while, someone will soon be knocking on your door to demand more money and evict you. A person standing alone in this country cannot survive, and unlike in other lands, do not have the support of their peers and neighbors. We are all isolated. Friendships divide on financial lines, not social ability or desire.

How much I miss my Germany has brought me previously to the brink of thoughts of suicide. But I decided the USA is not worth the loss of my life. I might yet escape this capitalist trap, which forces everyone into debt.

Most people do not own their homes or their cars-the bank does. And the same with credit cards. You are bound to slave for them til the debt is abated, you forefeit the property and lose all investment in it, or you meet your death. There is no escape from this. And one medical crisis can bakrupt even the most fastidious of planners for their retirement. Change here is not fast enough. By the time a national plan is instituted, many will have died; even when that plan does come to fruition, many will not be able to pay for insurance. Do not believe the lies they tell, that their way is the best. Give me back what Germany had before 1959 when it comes to medical care. No one went without it. I could not get this government to so much as provide a one-time ride to my doctor when my car was broken. Nothing in this country is free except the right to poverty.
If I leave my abode, where is there to go? Shopping malls? Highways? Many social gathering places have closed due to loss of business partly due to the smoking ban, partly due to the lack of individual money and partly due to lack of cameraderie. It begins and ends at the door of the establishment. No one is there to help anyone else.
I have said it before and I will say it again:The USA treats it's own citizens just as the Romans taunted Christ to take himself down off the cross.
They seem to thin that being a US citizen is the be all and end all and we need nothing else. This aprtment cost $985.00 per month. The minimum wage is is $8.50 per hour. After taxes, there is not enough left to pay the rent. There is no dental care for most of us. We go without teeth and get dental care only if we are in pain. Even then, the hospitals turn away thos ewho cannot pre-pay their care.
If you have believed the lies, my pity is upon you and I pray God grant you the clarity of mind to see the truth.
I was blessed by the Holy Ghost to know what others do not know. They showed me their nice constituion. I told them I do not believe they live by it. They don't. The only part they adhere to is what they call the "levvying of taxes"---and to them, that means seizing the moneys and lands of anyone they want money from, whether actually due or not.
And that is the truth.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Deeper Into Me

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I tend to keep my distance when it comes to people. I do love them, in certain places, certain spaces, but my household is not necessarily one of them. I'm European in my ways; they are American. There's a difference in everything, from the way the towels are folded to my demands that the animals have frsh, clean water every day. So my best companions have been my cats.

Fifteen years ago, Miss Midnight arrived at my door and after asking permission, went in. She bade farewell and returned, after dark with something in her mouth. I said to my companions "I hope she's not bringing me a mouse." No, it wasn't. She dropped the cutest little pointed kitten at my feet; spoke one word, and disapeared. Shortly she returned, bringing me another one. She picked each one up and put them at the farthest part of my abide, behind my water bed. Out of reach and sight of all but her and me. But they didn't get to stay. Suddenly, all the neighbors claimed her and them. Someone found homes for these precious little ones and once again, Midnight was on her own. She would show up at my door at Midnight punctually and very vociferously echoed through the hallways that she had arrived.

She was gone for a couple of days and I asked around; no one had seen her. On the fourth day, she came to my door again and I let her in. She did not do her usual things, but went to the bathroom and curled up under the sink. OK, I said, it's OK. If that's where you want to be....I let it go til morning. She hadn't moved. I squatted down to pet her, seeif she was alright. She looked at me and caused me to jump back and hit the wall. It looked like there were three cats in one head. I must have shrieked. Oh my God! I told her I had to get her to the vet. I called and took her to the one who would see her immediately. He came in outside of hours. I was grateful as could be. Something had caused a major abcess over her right eye, so grossly swollen her eye could not shut. He told me she would have gone blind in that eye if she had survived at all. I said, "Sh's not exactly really my cat." He replied "She is yours now." So it was a number of weeks of oral antibiotics, cleaning and dressing the abcess, and ointment in her eye 5 times a day. She healed, but lost some tissue around her eye, so it never again closed right. It has some clouding in the vision but she is good at allowing me to put the ointment across her eye if I dispense it from my finger. She has no fear of me usually.
She rewarded me a few weeks later when the expected batch of her offspring arrived. I'd cleared out the floor of my closet so she could feel safe. I woke up and looked for her; she was in the closet and beside her were twopairs of little white rolled up socks and two pairs of black ones. Surprising, since she's black with a little white bikini and bib only. I was able to keep two of them. One looked like a little fuzzy caterpillar, the other had normal fur. One had lilac points, the other chocolate. They were the joy of my days for 12 years.

One crazy week and all the love of them was gone, only hours apart. My Dusty cat had in the course of one week lost 10 pounds in weight, half easily of normal. He had kidney cancer, which had wrapped around a major blood vessel, he would not recover. I let the vet give him peace, but it began immediately to destroy me. Four hours later, the same Hospital, other veterinarian, called to say my Pretty cat had succumed to some kind of infection he contracted when I was not quick enough to keep him from going out onto the unclean balcony.

I know I screamed. I know I was sobbbing out loud, trying to muffle my cries with my pillow. My heart was torn out and I thought for sure my soul would leave me; why couldn't I at least pass out and escape a pain so great I don't know how I survived. I had devoted my life to making sure they had what they needed. Not so easy, considering Pretty had diabetes with occassional seizures and emergencies. Dusty primarily needed at least an hour daily grooming and four hours on the weekend because of his long hair. The, as was their mother, my "Velcro kitty", were always with me, always waiting for me. And now, only emptiness. Not that often I have not reached down to pet their forms or to lift one up. I would see their image and reach for them only to realize they were gone. I would drive toward home happy that I would see them there and then realize it would be emptiness. My Midnight cat went through the same hell. She had the help of some Valium.
There cames some months where I could not get my feet on the ground well enough to leave the house. My friend brough my food and helped with the paperwork. The only things I could deal with were my Dad's recurring life & death emergencies. And then I would go into that cloud of dizziness again. My Midnight cat would sit at the bottom of the stairs and cry for me til I came home and sit beside me the rest of the time.

Eventually, we added Kawasaki. I don't know where he/she came from; either fell out of someone else's window or escaped the fire which had demolished and entire section of the apartments. But every time she heard my voice, I'd see her running across "the marsh", and sit below the downstairs window crying it's little head off. I began giving food, and asking around the neighborhood. One night, despite food and water, it just kept crying-not repeatedly, but just a long, long, long wail of despair. I invited it in. Exactly the remedy. How she knew where the food and litter box were, I have no idea, but that was directly where she went. Midnight wanted to be friends, even share her food, but I was afraid there might be disease, so kept them a bit seperate, which I regret. I hadn't planned on keeping her, but since the shelter didn't come pick up cats and I hadn't planned on keeping her, I put ads all over the internet. No takers. So I kept her. She is very sweet and also extremely protective, never more than three feet away from Midnight or me.

Up til then, from the time of my birth, there was nothing that could interfere with me and my need to sing. I was not living if there was not music in my life. It kept me from dropping out of school, it took me through the deaths of loved ones, took me through multiple relationship endings, made me forget how sick I really am. A friend once described it. "You are sitting here drooping, like you're nearly dead; you get up on the stage and sing and you're alive again, and then you stop and I feel like I'm going to have to carry you to your car and home." This time, the carry me to the car and home part was all that was left. Since the baby cats died, I'd sung only twice-once, sara McLaoughlin's "Angel" and Patty Smythe "Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough" and I disappeared into my abode and rendering medical care for my Dad.

The other day I was beginning to transition back to me again. I have not recovered from the loss; despite the addition of Kawasaki, neither had my Midnight cat. I decided if I was ever going to sing again, it was at the "use it or lose it" point. So, due to the stupid way this place is wired, I sat on the floor in my dining room where my audio things are and did a couple of sides of CD's; German and English. My voice tired quickly. It cracked and creaked and struggled and failed. But my Midnight came and listened to me. Then I remembered. There had never been a day when I didn't sing to my cats, never a time when I left that I didn't leave music on for them. They loved it. Sometimes my Dusty cat would just jump into my arms on some songs. So my voice exhausted from the try, I returned to tv and shortly to bed.

I'd been asleep for about three hours when I heard my Midnight cat emit a series of continuing cat sounds. For a little cat, she's a Bombay, they are extraordianrily loud and I was certain she was in distress. I jumped out of bed and raced down the hall to the living room. I didn't see her there. I heard her though. I thought she was stuck some place, so turned on the dining room lights. There she was, between the two speakers where I had been earlier in the evening, giving me a look most quizzical and inncocent. My Midnight cat had decided to sing.


May 24,2011

Sympathies to those innocents who have been doused with ashes.

Thank God it wasn't oil instead.

Joplin, MO, USA- To all the innocents, my deepest sympathy. Looks like someone dropped a bomb, doesn't it?

That's how God bombs. When will they ever learn?

Monday, May 23, 2011

And on "Local" Politics

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The TV said Mayor Mike Bloomberg's New York City-wide smoking ban is now in effect.
However, to offset any aleged benefits, Mr. Mayor intends to add 6,000 taxi cabs to the streets. To add to the global warming effect. In Manhattan especially. Not to mention the emissions caused by the already-massive traffic jams.
Such is the lack of logic and failure to find balance which is so rampant in the USA.
With all their millions, they have no common sense.
But in their heads, the money the driver have to pay for their "Medallions" is worth the cost to the air and life quality, I guess. Apparently, they've never heard of jitneys.

And of course, there is an isuue in New Jersey. About a scrubbed mass transit plan for which the Federal Government paid, which the Governor refuses to return. But yet, the Federal Government is supposed to supply New Jersey with other types of Federal Aid? And no medical transportation if you're elderly or disabled unless you are on Medicaid. Under the guise of a "balanced budget". The fulcrum unfortunately is the backs of the people most in need and the innocent.

And of all the travesties-I don't even know where this began: Building houses in bear habitat. Dear Mr. Bear: We have evicted you from your natural home. Should you try to return, we will shoot you dead." I truly do believe it is time to start arming the bears.

Start making sense! Drop your posturing authoritarian attitudes (which are contra-US Constitutional) and spend more time thinking things through. No more building in wildlife's homes.

Suggested reading:(It's mostly pictures, so a child can do it):www.nwf.org, (there's a photo competition, "Baby Animals", closes July 4th 2011); http://www.vanishingparadise.org/ 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Immediate Reality

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At this time, the biggest thing facing me is the threats from Social Secuirty and the State of New Jersey that they might just decide to stop my disability payments. Not that there is any basis for this, not that they do not have all the medical data I have submitted, not that that they do not have permission to get information from my doctors. Not that I am able to work. It is much more insidious than that.

Though my disability actually began long before I ever came to accept it and apply for relief, I could not accept not working any more. So I continued. Until it almost killed me. And then, my body battered by a variety of personal assaults and the victim not the perpetrator of two car accidents, my body "froze up". I went into spinal failure. The way out of it was excruciating. But I did it, though never to be my normal self again. For many years, there was no question, it was and is absolutely clear that I cannot function normally. Sometimes, I cannot function. I find ways around this, from the way I handle my groceries, my food, the way my body moves. I learned to get up off the floor by turning like a babu onto all fours and using furniture to pull myself up. I used to goup the stairs the same way. Now, I can go up the stairs standing with the help of the handrail. Down is slowly and a bit frightening. BUT I USED TO RUN UP AND DOWN THE STAIRS WHEN I WAS WELL. And the government wants to know what is different between now and before. That would take far more than the 1/2" of psace they provide for an answer.

Until 2007, there was not a problem with Social Security except the one time I wrote a letter to Governor Christine Whitman. Along came the inqusition. I was called into the Social Security Office and told the reason I had been "selected" was that Governor Whitman wanted to offer me a job. It came as a shock. Did no one read the information I submitted? I told the interviewer that I felt honored indeed, but working for anyone was an impossibility for me.

Every year from late 2007 on, I have been getting jury summonses regularly, despite each time they had been informed with medical documentation that I could not be relied on to deliver a fair and just verdict. Pain is disruptive, and attention is not on what is going on in the court, but on how to relieve the pain. Enough to derail any concept of a "Fair Trial". And the demand to show up at a very early hour for someone with insomnia not only created an untenable juror, but in driving myself there in such a condition also endangered others. I also could not sit around for 4 to 8 hours while they went through the jury pool. I would end up in pain and the immobility caused by it; again, not paying attention. No honest attorney could put me on a jury expecting true justice. I would miss part of the testimonies and be unable to render a fair decision. I believe it would be an injustice not to recuse myself from jury duty. Additionally, when I am really feeling the effects of the things which disable me, my mood is anything but tolerant. Drug dealing, whining, excuses, thievery of various kinds would have me looking for the maximum penalty.

And since 2007, Social Security has been putting me through the same thing. After knowing that for 20 years there was no way out of my medical condition. So why did that happen? Because an incompetent State Worker decided to use the government not to resolve any crime committed, but for the purpose of harassing me because she was wrong about many things and was confronted by her foibles as a result of what she did to me.

And then, I wrote to Governor Christopher Christie and again, he employes Social Security to harass me. Even after Social Security had approved what I submitted, the State of New Jersey Division of Workforce Development, whom I had contacted 5 years ago and swore there was no record of me and they could not track anything to find an alleged settlement which I never received, now suddenly want to know every move I make on any given day. I suppose that Governor Christie wanted to see me flipping hamburgers someplace. But that is not going to happen. Once in a while, I flip a veggie burger for myself, with cheese, on an English muffin.

I have no normal sleep/wake cycle. I have no normal eating time. I no longer have a normal diet.

I used to have my dinner at 5PM, take a nap, go see friends or work on something in my home I wanted to accomplish. What clothes I didn't sew myself, I customized to fit exactly. My living quarters were immaculately clean. My pets were always very well loved and cared for, even if it was causing me great distress. That was nothing compared to their deaths. I cannot even begin to explain what happened to me when I lost both of my "baby cats" on the same day, on my so-called birthday. I wanted to be dead, emotional pain was so unbearable. I cried, I screamed, I sobbed out loud. And answered an emergency call regarding my Dad. No, I never got over the loss. I've found little joy in anything since then. I tried to stay close to the mommy cat, who suffered at their loss and does still to this day. She cries in the night and she looks for them. Adding another cat did not replace them. I am a gentle person, and I try to comfort her; something else traumatized her in between. She runs away when I go to comfort her, she cries if she thinks I have gone and left her, even if I am only gone from the living room to bed. I have to keep the tv on or the light. So of course I took her to the vet. She has now some valium, which she has figured out numerous ways to hide in her mouth and then eject the stuff. It sometimes helped. Other times, she would fight it; trying to walk, not quite able to control her muscles, but still crying. After several days of that, I decided to try something else. I gave her a quarter dose of the anti-seizure medicine I had left from one of my lost babies who was diabetic. That seems to have been what the trouble was. She had been having seizures of some type, triggered no doubt by certain trespasses committed by the people who live downstairs. It stopped the cycle. She doesn't run from me and has no more fear of the newly-added companion, despite getting a swat for startling her. So our inner peace is returning.

But why do I have to put up with all these selfish, ignorant, ego-ridden treacheries? Not enough that I worked for the Government previously. Not enough that I am in voluntary contact with my Congressman due to an Eagleton Institute Program "Walk A Mile In My Shoes". Not enough that I get ripped off paying car insurance, gasoline, car costs and repairs, and every tax that exists except income and alcohol (I don't consume it). Not enough that during the time of the egos run rampant I have lost the two things dearest to my heart, which helped me endure every hell thrown at me, not enough that I have rescued my Dad from death3 times in the past three and one half years, not enough that despite being in a contimuous state of collapse, I made sure my Dad's feet were not amputated, but healed.

And if it all were not injurious and insulting enough, one of the persons who robbed him physically and conned him out of $40,000.00 and after being fired from the job, refused to stay  away, nearly killed my Dad, and scot-free got away with it.

And that's only a microcosm. There will be more written on my immediate reality in future disclosings.

You begin to see why my poem reads "World of scoundrels/Room of thieves/Freedom, freedom, Resdue ME."

Prinzessin Hohenzoller


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I asked a US Senator why the US Secretary of State was in Greenland negotiating for the oil companies. She wasn't exactly. It was a meeting of all countries who have are touched or part of the Arctic.

I was not present for the conference so can only say what I heard on the TV and I have very strong objections to hearing from a person whose country thinks baby seals are made for clubbing to death that "polar bears are not as important as humans". I have rarely heard words so cold and uncaring for the things of God's Earth as those words. My stepfather, usually a staunch Republican, has been in tears seeing the footage of what global warming is doing to the Polar Bears. Wiping away his tears, he says, "Won't anybody help these big guys?' I tell him, we have been trying. Sending petition after petition to elected and appointed "officials". I don't know what they said In Greenland.

But there occurs to me another thing: what will happen to their tourist trade when the aurora borealis no longer shines because the lights are washed out by the artificial lighting of oil drilling operation and the change in the air temperature due to not only the drilling, but also vehicular traffic, external riggings, housing accomodations, delivery systems? Someone does not have all their facts in order. There are also arctic foxes, reideer, caribou; cold water fish whose waters will now be too warm to breed, yes, and seals. Certainly organisms of which we know nothing. The warming of the waters might trigger what is known as "red tide". It will spread far beyond regional concerns.

My Senator says no more concessions to big oil. I long ago presented a design to change the way energy delivery is designed, country wide. Not that I really felt like giving anything tothe US Government, but I more wanted to prevent further travesties.

If you feel as I do, take heart to know we do not stand alone. NWF is with us, Mr. Kennedy is too, as certain Senators and Congresspersons. Why have we not heard from Greenpeace? Start writing your letters now. No doubt you have something in mind which may not have even entered mine. Flooding of the Seine,  the Danube, the Hudson, the Bering Strait; the fjords, the inlets in the Nordic lands......it is all too much to risk. But who is that man to decide that Polar Bears have no right to survive? There is so much more; the Polar Bear is the "poster child".

As well in the aftermath of the death of Osama bin Laden, no less than 6 Congressman have sent a request to Mr. Obama to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan.

Outside of this, tonight I'm watching tv. Movies made in 1982 and 1984. I never really watched tv before I became disable; even then, not really much til this past year when I've been too unwell to do much else. It pappens tobe I watched "Conan the Barbarian" and now "Conan the Conqueror"; curious about the stories,
needing something not of the usual fare of late consisting of reruns, duds, finances, news and sometimes wall-towall infomercials and religious programming. I do not watch financial shows or infomercials. I try to avoid the news. I sometimes watch shows of Biblical History, and  often, prophecy.

Regarding the "Conan the..." movies, I've seen one before this. Arnold knows who I am and from where I came; of him, I recall the same. I know he said quite publicly, having Maria is "like being married to a scarecrow" and publicly has said he told her to put on a few pounds. We lose out baby fat somehwere in our late 20's and gaining no weight, we look more like skulls than faces. I know; my weight once went down to below 105 pounds. I didn't know who the person in the picture was. "German" men like a little softness in their women when they hold them. Condoning, no; but knowing why. Sadly, in fact, and it does break my heart, that of all the things Arnold could have done, he chose to fall in love with himself and turn into what I for my entire life have decried. He has become almost everything I hold in disdain. And that is a great loss to the whole.

Regine, Prinzessin, House of Hohenzollern
In the USA, nearing the recognition of my 60th birthday.
I'm hoping I will have designed and have made a new tiara by then.
My first one near the age of 3 was white stones in silver my Papi gave me.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


If you read  my words, know this one thing: I am not American. Though I have been quagmired in the USA since the age of 8, I am German. Anything which is derived from this for the benefit of life on Earth is to be attributed to German thinking, not "American." I have been physically and financially entrapped here. I have not borne a child for them and I will not marry one of them. Yes, I'm lonely, but there are things which are far worse. I only have one wish:to die and be buried not in the US. If I manage to escape with my life and heart intact, then I will thank the Lord and my rescuers and find again the joy I lost, walled away in repressive amnesia for 2/3 of my 52 years here. The only way I have been able to tolerate it this long is by taking antidepressants daily for the past 30 years. But there comes a time when reality overcomes the drugs unless the drug overcomes ones life. I will not surrender to that. As far as I have compromised my true happiness, it is already too much. I choose not to torture myself over things I cannot change, but make no mistake in thinking that I have accepted it or embraced it. I merely tolerate it in a robotic state, doing what needed to survive here, in the USA where I have been for the most part of my life since.........

I was 8 years old, not allowed to go back home. I spoke little English, not enough to make them understand, these were not my parents, my place, my land. I did not know where I was. Just with people who I had no idea who they thought I was.

The economy always made sure that my every cent I earned went into other pockets, leaving me no means of escape. My best friend, my ally, my defender, was torn away from me, making certain neither he nor I could bond together again to effect our escape. We had tried while we were younger. I was incarcerated for it. And forbidden to speak with him. At the age of 46, for lack of proper medical care in California, his life was lost forever. But he is always alive in my dreams, my helper and my joy, and then I awake and the emptiness is too hard to take.

It was not long after i learned to speak some English that I was objecting to our abduction. The abductress said to me "You are lucky you are not in Russia. They listen to everything the people say."
My response then, as it remains today, after more than fifty years "Well at least somebody's paying attention. It doesn't matter what you say here. They don't listen aanyway."

And they still aren't listening. They're not listening to the Word of God, the word of Al Gore, the voice of the many, and doubtless they have listened to me. My definition of listen is not to hear with your ears, but for the brain to assimilate the information given and proceed based on logical transition. They don't listen.

This abomination is despicable:using food for fuel in car gas tanks so they have fuel for their war machine and plastics inductry.

The North and South Poles have a climate prohibitive to man, not just based on distance from the sun, but from sense that man should no be able to go and tamper with them.

If they go and drill, they will create heat and melt the understructure of the ice which will collapse. It will melt. It will change the mass density of the pole itself, causing a disruption in the rotattion of the world due to a change in the density of one of it's stabilizing configuration. Any child who has ever spun a dredle knows this.
Yet they have proceeded as though the laws of physics don't exist wherein they are concerened. They think they are exempt not only from the laws of man and countries, but from the laws of existence itself.

They pump the blood of the Earth from inside her. They bomb ships on the water which casue shock waves causing animals to strand themselves. Over and over again. They think their oil rigs in the ocean did not cause a collapse in the continental shelves trigerring tsunamis & earthquakes? They choose not to see, or if they see, choose to delude themselves, and instruct their scientists to do the same.

Yet they want me to "respect their authority". I have never been able to respect lies, ignorance and persecution. They are guilty of all of them. Being raised in post-Nazi Germany, we were cautioned to keep a firm watch on the governments so such a thing would never happen again.

But it is happening asgain. The USA is no longer in control of it's people. It is controlled by dollars and fame.

But the biggest difference between me and them is the power & glory they feel in causing death. I feel my most powerless when I am unable to prevent it. There is nothing to be gained by nothingness, excepting those times when the only peace which can be achieved is when they finally cease to exist.

If that's the way that God sees it, what choice is does God have? I pray the innocent do not suffer and the evil ones be removed from among us, and the anti-Christs workings among us not be long tolerated. He has been rigging his Kingdom for the past 7 years and his antecessor now proceeds with his schemes. It is all to clear.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller
I am German.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Living in the USA


When you  live in USA
All you do is pay and pay
Taxes on the land you own
But the bank has a lien on
Taxes on the house you're in
On the water that you drink.
You pay taxes on your school
But get no education, too
You pay tax to hear the schmucks
Run their mouths
And run amok..
You pay tax on telephone
Your tv, computer zone
You pay tax on gasoline
And what you heat your houses with.
You pay tax to use the roads
You pay tax on alcohol
You pay tax on cigarettes,
Candy, snacks and soda drinks.
You pay tax on movie screens
Tax on concert ticketings.
You pay tax on household goods
Even sometimes on your clothes,
Sometimes even on your food.
For what do we pay taxes for?
So the big-wigs can make wars?
We pay tax on bandages
Tax on abtibiotic cream
We  pay tax on aspirin
And toilet paper, of all things
We pay tax on work performed
We pay tax on work that's not
We pay tax
Get nothing back
But a great big kick in the ass.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller
Living in the USA
About 50 years too many
I am an economic captive
To this pseudo-democracy
Which in truth reality
Is a capitalistic megalopoly.


What the Soldier Said

The soldeir said they were supposed to be deployed to Iraq, but that's not where they ended up. Doesn't know where they were. No. not the desert; there were mountains. No, not Germany. They were setting up tents for base camps and then being moved on to the next one. It wasn't in a hot climate. Don't know the season.

In case nobody knows why Quadafi was bombed, it is because he had the armaments to wipe out the US bases in Ramstein, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait---but he didn't.

There will be no aramaments for the rebels. The rebels now have caused the destruction of what was the defense system of their country by calling in US-led air strikes. Any arms or deterrents sent by the US will have homing devices built in so their "smart bombs" will all be direct hits. If your country is dumb enough to accept US military equipment, the death will be yours and the victory theirs.

Don't buy armaments frum the US, not black market or otherwise. If you were dumb enough to ask another nation to destroy your country's defenses, you have no defenses. Perhaps that was not your goal, but that is the result.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller
Like a bunch of sheep  you are and willingly walked into the slaughter.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A History Lesson

Wars the USA has held:

1. Against the Native Americans
2. Against the British
3. Against the Spanish
4. Against the Mexicans
5. Against the French/"Indians"
6. Crimean
7. WWI
8. Korean (and they still haven't left)
9.WWII(and they still haven't left)
    & Polyponesia (wonder why Hawaii's a State? They were under U.S.occupation and siege anyway.)
10. Viet Nam (are they still there?)
11. Almost against Cuba-they're on the Eastern end of the Island(Gitmo)
12. Several South American countries
13. Middle East
14. Serbia/Croatia
17. Afghanistan
18. Pakistan
19. Lybia
20. More Middle Eastern war

Those are only the ones that aren't completely "under wraps".

Has any other country in the world perpetrated these amounts af mass crimes against humanity and gotten away with it?

Hello, rest of the world----get the picture yet? Start making sense.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller.


American "values"?
I've just been the victim of them.
As is Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. I never had a doubt that the reason for the problems is just what Obama admitted:They want to further "American "values" in those areas.

First of all, the USA is NOT America. They are but a small part of that. And their values only revolve around dollars and don't even bother counting cents. If you want to be enslaved until you die, then go ahead and buy the lie.

As for myself, I'll stick to good old French and German values, thanks.

The rest of everyone living in the US have enough problems not to have to spread them around the globe. It would be far better for the country if more effort were put into fulfilling the promises of it's own Constitution (which it doesn't) than trying to force the rest of the world to follow their errant ways.

Give La Marseilles. Give me Edelweiss.

And let this pseudo-"America" takes it's lies and stuff them up their egocentric snot-noses.

Regine (Punkt!).

ROCK MY SOUL - "Selling America" & "Biased Brains" (copr. Hohenzoller)


When I was younger
People spoke
Of "selling America
down the road"
But as twisted as things are
They're down the road
Selling America.

In the Great Welfare Inquisition
Fake promises, forced work positions
Angry and without contrition
In malice slash Humanist Missions.

Isn't work and workfare great?
This semi-slaveristic state
Too bad that the pay still sucks
It is never quite enough.
Grim the rakers raking muck
Down the road, selling America.


Through their spiritual poverty
They judge me with their jealousy
With no thought to the pain I'm in
Or how long the pain has been.
I was 3 years old
When I started to work.
I'd rather have my body whole
They would rather just not work
Now these days my face is bare
My head a tangled mess of hair
Now they shake their heads and say
"Who would ever hire her?"
Do they know anything at all
That qualifies their judgment calls?
No clue to the hell I'm in
When the pain leaves me unseen.
Yet they wonder why I groan
That they'vew regsitered to vote.
It is hell to be alone
Especially with my body broke
And the jealous selfish brains
Who never see this ruinous reign.

Regine Hohenzoller; copr. 1986

For 15 of the last 25 years, I went crazy looking for cures. Now that everything is beyond
any repairable state
They asked if I have fixed the things for which there is no medical care and for which they will
not pay.
So they hit me with documents, anything to disturb my peace, for reason of their ego fits
What's this awful thing I did?
I told the Governor something was wrong
In two letters that I wrote
And sin of sins, the worst of all
I called the previous Governor
To tell him that Jill Corrin needed help
Because of her incompetence
The rent payments 6 months behind 
For the simple reason that
She was not doing her work
But making judgments which were not
Hers to pass her judgments on
And telling me I had no right
To move unless she sanctified.
Not only this that pissed her off
For some reason I don't know
She wanted me to stay
In a slum-lord hell hole place
Where I'd lived for 13 years
Unable to get repairs.
So now they've got Social Secuirty and the Jury Committe
Hounding me on a yearly basis.
Four times in less than 8 months
Though they have all my medicals
Affidavits and all that
Somehow that's just not enough.
So my fare well note to them
Is I'm going straight to the UN
If you ever harass me again.
They point fingers and drop bombs
But their own people
Hate their guts.
If I say "I hate your government"
Their answer to me is "Who doesn't?"
Only those whose ego flaws
Don't let them see who they are.
Give me back MY Germany
Not the one tainted by these
Slave mongering and spurred by greed
And desire for world dominance.
Hitler came and he's calling himself
The United States of America.
It's not just one they persecute
It's all who don't agree with them.

Regine Hohenzoller, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


For the past 40 plus years, the people of the United States of America have been urging the US Government to invest in non-oil consuming technologies and transportation alernatives.

These warnings and suggestions have been roundly ignored. The US government has invested heavily instead in further reliance of oil and in wars to obtain it. They have subsidized oil companies to drill, bailed out car makers who were bankrupt because of their failure to produce cars which used less gasoline and unreasonably greedy pricing policies and they have allowed the energy companies to bleed the money from the individual person while giving big breaks to corporate gluttons.

At no time have they demanded that the corporate gluttons seek alternative energy.

While they have made a weak effort to have gas efficient automobiles produced, tyhe result is that the cars are now largely constructed of less thn durable aluminum and cast plastics. Plastic is usually a derivative of oil. It is impossible to find anything which does not utilize a large percentage of plastic from household appliances which could use stainless steel or aluminum, they use plastic. Insides of refrigerators are plastic. TV's, telephones, gaming system, CD's, DVD's, lamps, furniture, bathroom fixtures, gears, curtain and shade rods are all made of plastic. Wall coverings are made of plastic. Garden decorations are made of plastic. Drinks are bottled in plastic. Foods are distributed in plastic. Gears for machinery are made of plastic. Why?
It is called "buil-in obsolescence." They expect it will break in a few years and they have a ready made-re-order market. Raincoats are made of plastic. Shoes are made of plastic.

Their wasteful greed is the basis for it. It is partly also the reason for their economic instability. When the re-orders do not come, there is no work as projected. They see an endless market in self-destructing items. The barbage dumps are filled with plastic. Milk is sold in plastic bottles which do not even protect the milk from being tainted by contact with other substances. Many feel the tap water is undrinkable due to additives and pollutants, so they buy dozens upon dozens of plastic water containers. Thermos-type bottles are no longer metal and glass. They are plastic inside plastic. They consume immeasurable amounts of drinking straws, also plastic.

They have failed to invest in solar energy although the technology has long been available.
They fail to adequately subsidize or give worthy tax exemptions those who wish to invest in solar energy, heat pumps, or insulations and even repressed inventors & investors from moving forward. They have failed to change the housing standards to upgrade older housing for better insulation and more energy efficient heat. They have made no provisions for alternative heating access.

In 1970, on a train to New York City, I spoke with an executive from one of the oil companies. He told me then that the oil companies would do everything within their power to prevent the inception of alternative energy and they might consider it if they could find a way to charge each individual user for the use of what is free:solar energy.

There have been a few solar panels installed on some street lights in a neighboring town. Whether these were installed by the town and their energy costs defrayed or by the electric company and the free energy charged for is unknown to me.

They have continued the ways of waste, nearly entirely deleting trains, restricting and centralizing buses and forcing individuals to not only purchase overpriced cars but continually rely on gasoline.

They insist on continuing to go into nuclear energy because it has a centralized generating system which forces everyone to continually pay for generated energy, no matter how dangerous, no matter how outdated, no matter how irresponsible.

They have closed down independent energy generation by smaller towns and forced them to centralize, causing costs to the consumer to triple at the least.

They have failed to do adequate research in climate stabilization. They have failed to reduce the number of cars on the road which generate heat as well as greenhouse gases in addition to consuming massive amounts of oil/gasoline. The "electric" cars still rely on oil generated electricity to charge.

They have failed to restore railroad transportation of goods and rely on oil consuming trucks which not only consume massive quantities of gasoline, but also majorly pollute.

In addition, they have polluted national and international lands and waters and still advocate more of the same, with a shrug that the catastrophes happened, not yet having cleaned up the last disaster, making no provisions to prevent any future disasters, just plan to go ahead and do it again in unspoiled areas which will threaten every part of the world, Canada and Russia primarily.

They have refused to approach South America on the matter, yet South America has very graciously donated, free of charge, oil to US individuals who would have otherwise frozen to death.

They have made wood stove grossly expensive or totally unavailable; fireplaces almost non-existent; fireplaces which are more than decorative and could be used to heat a home are not available.

They have turned apartment rooms into the size of large closets claiming energy savings when in reality it is merely inflation and getting 4 ounces of yogurt where there used to 6 ounces for less money. And yogurt comes in plastic containers. At 4 ounces, more than before are needed to make up for the missing 2 ounces. And they know it. Even containers which themselves are not made of plastic are surrounded by it. Utensils are plastic. Dishware is "disposable", i.e., plastic.

Headboards of beds and dressers and wardrobes are plastic. Clothing hangers are plastic. Drawer dividers are plastic. Storage containers of any kind are plastic. Baby bottles are plastic. Fenes are plastic. Steet lights are plastic. They make fake brickwork out of plastic. "Aluminum siding" is now made of plastic. Flooring is made of plasticized elements.
Picture frames are made of plastic. Jewelry is made of or sold in plastic boxes. There are plastic "candles".
Pens are made disposable, of plastic & packaged in plastic. Toys are all made of plastic, even very expensive dolls. Scooters and Barbie cars and the like are made of plastic. Shelving and garden pots are made of the stuff.

Plastic is a wonderful substance in it's right place. But it's right place is not in everything. But oil to power and mobilize an entire planet? Especially a country which refuses to conserve, refuses to compromise, and is the major waster of the limited resource? IT IS NOT ALLOWABLE.

The only way they will ever bend and comply with reasonableness in oil consumption is when it becomes unobtainable for them.

They have been warned. They have been caurtioned. They have been offered alternatives. They have been begged by their own people to make changes. And yet the government continues to promote polluters and fight wars and despoil countries and lands in their behalf all the while never negating the tax incentives given when oil was a new thing and merely and option.

NO OIL DEALS FOR THE US of A or it's suppliers. Period. End. Amen.

RMH Prinzessin Regine Hohenzoller
writing as a personal prisoner of capitalist warfare in the US of A


The USA calls my people "Krauts". They call you "Spuds". I'm German. We love our potatoes and cabbage-in almost any form except rotten.

I want you to look at the reality of this century.

Mami Elisabeth is one person who is not responsible for the seperation of the Catholic Church from Britain or the potato famine any more than I'm responsible for the rise of Hitler.

I met Her Majesty while she was a soldier, still in uniform. She couldn't be tethered from trying to go out and see if she could "lend a hand" ANYWHERE  there was trouble-natural or otherwise. She was highly criticised, but she did not relent. She PERSONALLY  went to see if she could help. Despite the media reports of her turning around after greeting staffers at a given door, she was not the type to waste her time where her help was not requirede. She would rather move on to where there was a need she could attend to.

I never spoke publicly before because I am still an abductee in the United States of America.

Do you think they are not starving their own people? They are.
Do you think they are providing medicine and medical care to their people? They aren't.
Do you think they are providing dental care? They're not.
Do you think they're providing adequate housing? Nope.

Do you really believe their lies? Yup.

It is terribly unfortunate that you do not realize that Mami Elisabeth doesn't make the rules in Britain alone. They have all these "Houses"-Commons and whatever they now call the people who generate massive tax revenue thru their earnings-royal blood. My ancestors were that. My ancestry is House of Hohenzollern.
Europrussian. Who stole our life? The lives of our people? The reason my Father, Nikolaus, used to lament "Why is my Germany always do lost? Why is my Germany always so abandoned?" We had no use for the Hitlers of this world.

The fact that Elisabeth Regina's own Mother jeopardized her own life during the bombing of London should tell you something. This family does not run in the face of trouble. They will endure it and see their people through it.

Have you not looked lately at a map of the world, stuck pins in all the places that United States of America soldiers are? So what if they built a factory there. Did you give Britain the same guarantees to their safety as you gave them? They have long been trying to topple the Monarchies because they themselves want to be in control. Not that they have the understanding or know-how. They merely want to enslave the world. Slavery exist here. It is just so well hidden, scattered among the public, that it is very hard for most anyone to see. The same with the other crimes against humanity they perpetrate, clandestinely.

I have no doubt at all that the recent uprisings are USA fueled. Don't be fooled. They're doing it to you. Their theme is "Divide and Conquer" and "No one likes cops until they need them." So they invent al Qaeda and now the welcome mat comes out.

I've been among them for far too long not t oknow their ways. Very few in office are trustworthy. Obama is a turncoat who has just done a 180 on every citizen who trusted him not to drill in Alaska/the Artic. Those poles belong to the WHOLE world. What happens there will affect every ocean on the continent.

Need someone to fight? Fight that.

Their arrogance and effrontery is insurmountable. How would you feel if your leader were demanded by the President of another country to leave his land, the country of his birth and allegiance? What gives Obama the right? What gives him the right to violate the borders of any nation? When they are rejected on a personal or monetary level, they just send the troops to take what they wish.

Why don't you come to terms with the now and who the enemy really is? It isn't Mami Elisabeth. She has a lot of people working for her. It's called employment. They contribute to the economy. They do not take away from it. And as it often has been said "United they stand, Divided they crumble." Do you not see the way these tactics are being ployed on you for the purpose of gain by the US of A?

Then wake up.

I have a good Irish friend who is a US citizen, who served them in the military and the shore patrols. They have him pounding a security guard beat despite diabetes and the fact that he will lose his feet and his legs eventually. That is the reality of the US of A. If you aren't making them rich, they throw you away to rot like you were garbage.

You didn't think my poetry was about anyone else, given that I've been in this country involuntarily for 50 years without being able to get the resources to leave to return to waht they called "Poverty". It wasn't. The only thing they didn't like was that we weren't indebted to them. We had food, clothing, shelter, Medical care, heat. But they couldn't keep their capitalistic greedy hands off of it wanting to get rich.

I am terrified to see how badly they destroyed my country, covertly, when everything used to be right with it.

And that is the truth. The truth is reality. The rest is capitalistic greedy ego driven propoganda.

My faith is what I carried with me from what I  know of history and God's hopes for the peaceful survival of man. But evil will never relent. It harasses from any quarter, any tent. And it's been allowed to grow like truffles underground only to erupt in places where there once was peace.

And don't be fooled by the Israel/Palestine thing. Netenyahooo was US Educated and inundated. I feel sorry for the people of Israel. They have been persecuted beyond anything acceptable in Christ. He himself was a Jew. He himself never forced anyone to follow him, but forgave them if they were ignorant. His main thing was that there be no more blood sacrifice. So the criminal element invaded Christendom and acted in his name committing atrocities for which they should have been hanged. I do question God when he does not strike dead on the spot those who perpetrate things like that.

I am not a member of the Roman Catholic church, but my church designated itself "katolisch" (with a small instead of a capital "k"). The break was over whether or not salvation could be bought. The Bible says it cannot.

Henry wanted divorce. The Pope refused. That Henry wronged Kathryn of Spain is without doubt. That she was unable to bear him heirs is a reason for divorce in Catholic religion. The Pope was wrong in not granting that, but his reasoning were based on Henry's lust and some Biblical passages. It does not prohibit divorce per se, it prohibits the cruel treatment of the woman being divorced. Maybe Henry should have held to the religion of the old testament wherein men had more than one wife.

As concerns world-wide religions, only the Mormons hold close to what Moses promised on leving Egypt and what Christ wanted for every man. And they have been persecuted and they have been murdered. In the US of A, which proclaims Freedom but only as a lure. And I clearly see the reason why they are called "The Big Satan"-their deceptions, their lies, their spies, their covert insurgencies, their falsenss, their belief that their destiny is to rule the world unquestinably. They are the "Whore that sits on many waters" in the revelations of St John the Divine:Count them:Atlantic, Pacific(North and South) Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Baltic, Artic, Antarctic, Bering, Carribean, Gulf of Mexico, the one that runs past Iraq, the Canals...they themelves ran a short-lived advertisement that the US Navy was on every ocean in the world. I guess that one came too close to the truth. Protecting none and in position to invade all.

If you need to send someone to kingdom come, you now know who the enemy are.

Prinzessin Regine Hohenzoller

Want fiction? I can write that too. Barck Obama's real name is David Hussein. OK?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Double Shot from ROCK MY SOUL-copr. R. Hohenzollern


We perceive through different minds
You through your mind, I through mine.
We come from two different worlds
Yours, the city, Mine, the woods.
The snowy mountains I come from
Demand we help each other on
But from the cities you have come
Prepared to cut the throats of all
Because it is survival
In an overcrowded jungle.
So kindly let me go in peace
Before I prefer war to thee.
Among you, I feel trapped, not free.
Can I blame the government
For the things its' people did?
If I show no sympathy
I comfort not m enemy
Who has so deeply wounded me,
But from your presence I take leave
With nothing to repent or grieve.

Regine 1987


"be of good courage'
Says the man in the Bible
But it is difficult to be
In an age of destruction
And killing machines.
Sleeping giants lay in wait
Inside Pentagonal gates
We the people start the day
With power to annihilate.
Do we  think to be afraid?
No fear of what lies large, asleep
As "the enemy" is distant.
But leaders fall and leader rise
In wars the innocent do die
Who have no reason for the fight
Only to in peace survive.
Some wars were fought by righteous men
Some purely ego-manic bent
But always, always, in the end
Death, destruction, loss do reign.
Big countries swallow small ones up
And impose their will by force.
I am tired of their might
Those who can't think or read or write
Are empowered to decide
Against their own who live in plight
Caring not who lives or dies
Clandestine covert "ops" lies
Falsehood here is glorified
Freedom is repressed, denied
Common rubes dictate our lives
And pretend they have that right.
Violating Constitution Rights
They posture, pose, and threaten lives
The people's will is pushed aside
As they stand self-glorified
By the public are despised.
If the mirror of their soul
Could reveal to them the truth
They still would not accept fault,
But insist the mirror's wrong.
This is the thing that happens when
Lowly men get opulence.
But they are lowly just the same
The thugs they are inside remain.
I have remorse for just one thing-
I was not willing to kill them.
In my 60th year of life
 My heart and soul now turned to ice
 I pray for God
to end
This strife.

Regine, in the USA, 1987, rev. 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Poem-The Muse That Speaks Thru Me Said...(copyright Hohenzoller, R.)

And the lady in the harbor said
I raise my skirt, reveal the plate
Lost out in my ocean voyage.

.....and we will whip them like the chaff from the wheat
And scatter the hulls which their souls did keep
Everywhere upon the wind
With no place to root or cling
We'll return them whence they came
For dirt they are and dirt will remain
For all the glory and the power
Of this Earth we claim as ours.

Then the sky cracked lightning
The thunder spoke
"The dirt will cast off your wicked yoke
No more to absorb the blood you spill
For your power and your greed
The chaff will swirl as a tempest strong
And tear your inner land apart
You have gone against my word
For each the least of these you've wronged
The Earth will rise as like a pit
And swallow you, whore, who on all waters sits.


Do You Know Your True Enemy?

As reference Revelations of St. John the Divine, at the current time it is the whore that sits upon many waters and that is not Brittainia.
She has seduced you and will extract her sum in the days to come for the rest of your life long...not even in death will she relent, she will pursue your heirs and take what she will from your land.
Even now the elected betrays his people by approving and demanding oil drilling when his election was won not on his merits but because his opponents advocated it. He is a betrayer, gotten drunk with the opulence of his abode and his self-assumed role of power in the world.
This is no saviour, no haven, no opportunity but for life-;ong slavery especially for the old and sick; yes, even those who are educated. It is a land of thieves and brutes and bullies who lie and paint pretty pictures of themselves when in truth they are horrid and have only one objective: world domination. She will starve you now and starve you later, turn you into slaves and beggars as she has done to me.

For a time I could not imagine how it would come to pass that the final battle would be at Armegeddon; but now I know what foreign troops are stationed on that soil, I know who is the anti-christ and the rest of the world must unite to reject them or pray for the final battle to come soon and cleanse this earth of those who pay no heed to the price that is paid, as long as it is they to whom it is paid. And with that price, homage is demanded.

Repent and prepare for the nightmares to come if you do not will be horrid beyond imagination. Already she has slain you and abandoned you and will cut off your lifeblood any way she can. Will you not walk like zombies and look at what God has given to St. John on the island of Patmos? Whether you are Christian or Muslim or Hindi or Islam, wisdom is wisdom and prophets are not many.

The world would deceive you. The number 666 is the number of the name of a soldier as they were given numbers for their names. It is not Nero, it is not the Pope; no, those days have not passed; they are now.

As I am in my 60th year of life, if I must continue in the USA, here, with their ways, my life will be done in 2 year's time when I had hoped to have 20 more to live in freedom away from these and love someone. This freedom was never granted me and it is a basic human right according to God on high and I damn them for this and for having been complicit in my being kidnapped, concealed, and rendered powerless so they could wage their wars as they refused to leave from Germany and were not going to tolerate me telling them to go. They trespassed on private lands and felt they had the right to do as they chose and go where they wanted and take what they wished---and it was not the Russians who did this.

RMH Prinzessin Regine Hohenzoller
Rescue Me!

Advise EU/Soviet All Consulates, Please

The US Government is harassing me by lengthy interrogations into my personal life, daily activities, using excuse of determining if I am disabled. Political persecution arising from questions posed to Governor regarding suggested policies and changes in policies. Cover story being "Want to offer her a job". Normally one would offer & ask if qualified, not vice-versa. This is 3rd time in 8 months., 2nd time under a Republican Governor.

US Citisiens and corporation disabled me. The disabilities are permanent, incurable by US medical acumen. debilitating and prgressive (degenerative).

May seek asylum at any Embassy if threat materializes or harassment occurs again.

Regine Hohenzoller
(Taken to USA and held against my will 1959 under the name Peggy E. Murphy, forced to sign papers of Citizenship depite non-allegiance to US.)

16,000 Die in Mexico

That is more than 5 times the number of people who perished in the 9/11/01 incident. (Would you believe that one book I have read placed this event in 2002?) Just that these deaths happened over a period of 3 years, according to reports from CNBC. It would take more than 5 World Trade Centers to kill that many people.

What from? Marijuana. Yep, the US said it's deadly. That's why people are being killed over something which in it and of it's own self is a non-lethal substance. So what's the problem? Same as usual. Sturkopfigkeit.

The persons in charge of drug control in the USA have this cockamamy opinion that Marijuana leads to the use of hard drugs. As a student of The Humanities, I had occasion to observe, especially after someone stumbled into the men's room at RU where I was doing my work-study and died of an overdose of heroin. I asked a lot of questions. Of course, the ususal "are you a cop?, etc. " questions came at first. But they watched me too. After a time, they were glad to have someone "righteous". "straight" , "sane", "level" around just in case their purveyor had laced his goods or someone "went off kilter". I was like their stabilizer, or something. But if they lit up again, I had to excuse myself to take care of my cat.

 I've never been they type of personality to sit around accomplishing nothing. Which is all I'm able to do on disability. Not only because I'm disbaled, but God forbid I should try to undertake something. Obviously, then I can't possibly be disabled. Never mind that at this hour $8.30 per does not even cover the rent. My last job 25 years ago paid me $10.50 per hour plus any overtime plus what my second job brought. And that just covered car payments, insurance, rent and food back then. Rent and car insurance are nearly doubled now.Payscale isn't.
As long as it's like that some peole are going to establish themselves as urban entrpeneurs with a good cover for selling drugs.
People using heroin had little use for marijuana. They did not go marijuana, hash, opium, heroin. They went pills, more pills, pills and alcohol, cocaine mixed with, and very quickly to heroin.

People who smoked pot would have been just as content with a trip to the corner store to buy a couple of joints and a jar of wine to go with that. When and if they went to hashish, it was because the dealer (or entrepeneur) had persuaded them that marijuana laced with hash was more potent, or that he had none, but he did have hashish and he'd gladly stop by to give a taste. Maybe at parties or if said "entrepeneur" had opium, of course he presented that. It was too "heavy" for most pot smokers-it pu them to sleep, gave them headaches, too expensive (then the "free" offer came again). Then when told the consumer had to "lay off for a while" because things were getting behind, he had other things to do, he was feeling too droopy, said entrepeneur would offer a pick-me-up. Sometimes maybe cocaine, sometimes maybe amphetamine of sorts or "speed". There were pot smokers who upon entering a clean apartment would say "Oh, looks like someone's been doing some speed." Very insulting to me, I like a clean place. But couldn't resist when walking into the user's places, "Oh, been "blobbing" again, have we?" Meaning "You guys were smoking pot and didn't clean up." It was a joke of sorts. "Blobbing" was what I called it, because that's mostly what they did on pot, "listening to music, watching lights change color, getting into "the babbles'(couldn't shut up) or thinking they were into some really deep theories and discourse about the meaning of Jerry Garcia to the Grateful Dead or some obscure musicians no one ever heard of or will, to differences between Bob Dylan and why Phil Ochs killed himself, to Tim Hardin and other who have passed unnoticed into history. And the occassional new album from Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Neil Young, CSNY and of course, the wanta-be guitarists whose major wasn't anywhere near artistsic endeavors. Who were they hurting?

The big drug companies who lost an entire market place where they would otherwise ply their XanaX, their Klonopin, their Valium, their sleeping pills. And since they can't get a patent on marijuana-if any exotic strains exist, the Government has the patents on them-so they decided to make sure that marijuana never raised it's innocuous little head, they would make sure to ban cigarettes because marijuana is a smoke-producing item. And the government let them get away with it because they know from which side their pockets are lined.

3 years. 16.000 people dead. Opponents, proponents, and uninteresteds. Like me. Any hint that "street stuff" is coming out, I'm outta there. And they respect that. Sometimes even ask to talk. Some even "get it", that what they're doing, like drinking hard alcohol when depressed, only makes it feel much worse. But obviously, they all want some respite from what they're enduring. Some are fine with beer and wine; some can't live without obliterating on Scotches and Jack. Some kind abide life at all. They go to heroin. Some feel overwhelmed. They go to cocaine, it makes them feel they can handle anything. To the extent that they'll spend megabucks on something that wears off in no time at all. Crack? I have no clue as to what that even is; it wasn't around when I was in college.

But break the dealer connection by ruling pot in. It will rule a lot of the harder stuff out. And from what I've seen, alcohol is far more ravaging and destructive. Oh, but all the powers that be use it. Even the ones who don't know squat about pot but they're against it no matter what. I really doubt that 16,000 people died from smoking the stuff. Unless its laced with something like once was formaldehyde(instant death) or angel dust or who knows what. Protect from that: Legalize it, sell it in the liquor store. Stop kissing ass of the big drug companies because their money is in your pockets whether you know how it got there or not. (Hint:Look for megabucks in "special interests" anti-drug ops, I mean, "charities")And a word about rehabs:Substance abuse is a symptom. Take away the symptom, the cause remains. It's like a revolving door. They need to treat both.Most psych clinics only treat mental/emotional health with no substance abuse history. It gets very complex and no 3 week 12 step program is going to solve it for very long. That is the reason the recidivism rate is so high. It's a business. Without the revolving door, where are the customers? Time to get real about the marijuana thing. Is it worth 16,000 corpses every 3 years to stop what's not ending?(Yeah. To my surprise too. I had thought America had gone thru it's "rites of passage" and moved on. Only to wake up after moving 3 towns previous to find out it was all around.) Pass the peace pipe, please. Oh. I forgot. It's not acceptable to want peace. Everybody has to be angry prejudiced aggressive and hate everybody who isn't American. Good God.

And now the real kick in the face? There is a 7 year "moratorium" against any manufacturer manufacturing a drug another has discovered. Which means the sky's the limit on prices. Prices the Government refuses to pay (info from Medicare D Formulary). After the 7 years are up, people can make a "generic" drug-often not as effective, but they figure 80% is o.k.. Not only, but now they give a 3 year moratorium to the first company to register a generic drug-so no one ele can make it for 3 years and again we get sky high prices which the government itself refuses to pay. If the Government isn't willing to pay the price, why allow that in the first place. As the serpent swallows it's own tail and the health of it's people go down the drain---is there anybody with any sense left anywhere in this government where they can make a real and lasting difference?

And a country that's so broke shouldn't be squandering money bombing other people. Does anybody know how much food a $50,000,000.00 ransom could bring in to a country in need? It's not even sane.

RMH Regine Hohenzoller