Wednesday, March 30, 2011

ROCK MY SOUL - "Hush Too Silent" (copyright Hohenzoller(n))


Hush too silent in the night
Hush, each noise gives me a fright
Block the silence with your sighs
Melt the darkness with your eyes
Wrap your arms around me now
Help me fall to sleep somehow.

Hush too silent in the night
Hush, each noise gives me a fright.
Wrap me in your love tonight
Cross th space and time divide
Where our love is sanctified
All the pain is left behind.

Hush, hush, hush; hush, hush, hush
Hush and come give me your love.
Hush-ush, hush-ush, hush, hush, hush
Hush, I want to give you love.

Reign Peace.
Pegi Regine

ROCK MY SOUL - "I Have A Life" (copyright Hohenzoller(n))


I have a life somewhere between
CNN and MTV (If I could only find it)
But doctors, lawyers, government
Are things with which I must contend
Though I, in truth, don't want to.
I want my freedom from these things
 That hurt my body and my brain.
I'm forced,
 Against my own free will
To produce and earn, earn, earn-
so prices can go up again?
I am an economic slave.
I find no one competent
To protect me and take over
Not in the USA at least
Where I am trapped for many years.
Kennedy called it a "war"
But know this:
In the capitalist economics
Warfare games
Surrender's not granted
Not even in death.

*Minor rewrite 3/31/2011
In light of Mediterranean/Suez Canal events.

Regine Pegi

ROCK MY SOUL- "Thicker Than Blood" (copyright Hohenzoller(n))

                                                         THICKER THAN BLOOD

                                                         Just a bone weary traveler
                                                         Lonely, lost on the road
                                                         Though I've gained many things
                                                         There are more that I've lost
                                                         All the truths that I've learned
                                                         Can't turn silver to gold
                                                         But deep in my heart
                                                         I have known from the start
                                                         Love runs thicker than blood.

                                                         Thicker than blood
                                                         A man's love for his woman
                                                         Thicker than blood
                                                         Her true love for her man
                                                         Forsaking all others
                                                         As set forth by God
                                                         Love runs thicker than blood.

                                                         I've seen so many lost souls
                                                         Who never felt a true love
                                                         Their days scream out "empty"
                                                         The night times are worse;
                                                         But the knowledge is old
                                                         Should be written in gold
                                                         Love runs thicker than blood.

                                                         Deep in their hearts
                                                         They should know from the start
                                                         That love will run thicker than blood.


ROCK MY SOUL - "The River" (copyright hohenzoller(n))

                                                                 THE RIVER

                                                          The river in the winter
                                                          Is damaging and cruel
                                                          I question oft the wisdom
                                                          Of choosing this as home.
                                                          The slab of this foundation
                                                          Cold as a mountain tomb
                                                          I fear I live some verses scribed
                                                          By Edgar Allen Poe.
                                                          In brutal months of summer
                                                          When heat does make me swoon
                                                           I glorify the river,
                                                           It keeps my dwelling cool.
                                                           I find myself forgiving
                                                           The pervasive damping autumn
                                                           Surrounding everything in dew
                                                           As I breathe the summer night time
                                                           And savor its' sweet cool
                                                           And think perhaps it's worth it
                                                           Til flood and damp and icings
                                                           And the winter come
                                                           Too soon.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ROCK MY SOUL - "His Mistresses"

                                                              HIS MISTRESSES

                                                              Somewhere in time
                                                              I stopped giving a damn
                                                              About making my bed
                                                              Or washing the floor;
                                                              How clean I kept it
                                                              Meant nothing in being evicted.
                                                              Loyalty to a man
                                                              Meant nothing to him;
                                                              His mistresses of
                                                              Alcohol and drugs
                                                              Destroyed any traces
                                                              Of what could have been
                                                              Should I care to impress myself
                                                              When what beauty I offer
                                                              To my significant other
                                                              Is left
                                                              He preferring instead
                                                              The small dirty places
                                                              Where alcohol and drugs reign?
                                                              They claim and keep
                                                              Like no other mistress
                                                              Can or ever will.

Monday, March 28, 2011

ROCK MY SOUL (copr. Hohenzoller, Pegi Regine)

Though I rarely watch biographies, tonight I did watch the bio of Virgin's CEO, Richard Branson. There were several images which duplicated my brother Harry, who passed away from internal bleeding from a stomach ulcer long left untreated by the "advances" of the USA medical care system and advancing liver cancer. It seems to me what they advance in medical care in the USA is death and monetary savings for begrudging taxpayers and bankruptcy and forfeit of life savings for survivors.. This was the most devastating loss of my entire life. He was 46 years old, I was approaching my 48th birthday. For three months, I couldn't talk without crying so desperately my speech was unintelligble. The primary treatment for me was to drug me to the extent that I did nothing at all. The mourning would have destroyed me. I did the only thing left to do: I excerpted some of my sixteen or so copyrighted mini-books (each written under a different name in trying to regain my identity which had been brainwashed into amnesia) into one "best of" and dedicated it to my most loyal and protective friend, my adopted brother, Harald Franz Gango Murphy. It was an e-book for a while, long before e-readers were available. As usual, most things I do are ahead of what the world is ready for. I'll refrain for a time from my usual prosaic social commentary and let the poetry speak.

The following poem is of course, for my brother, written immediately after his death; it is the opening of my book and bears no page number. Some men are not to be numbered among the remainder. Harald remains one of those few.

                                                             EMPTY SHOES
                                                              For My Brother

                                                             I look
                                                             I see your empty shoes.
                                                             No one can take the place of you.
                                                             Blue topaz eyes
                                                             Teeth pearly white
                                                             From pain ground down
                                                             To half their size.
                                                             You, so brave,
                                                             You hid your pain;
                                                             You didn't like
                                                             My eyes "to rain".
                                                             But I must weep
                                                             This wound so deep,
                                                             The hardest thing for me to do
                                                             Was to gently let you go
                                                             Never that I wanted to.
                                                             I could not sentence you to pain
                                                            You brave and kind and gentle man.
                                                            You bore more than you should endure
                                                            And for these things,
                                                            I cry for you.
                                                            But for myself
                                                            The emptiness
                                                            Will be
                                                            Until my final rest.

                                                            With love forever,
                                                            From your "sister".

                                                            Pegi, April 27, 1999

Saturday, March 19, 2011

This New War

There is one reason and one reason only that Lybia is under attack from US and British forces: Barak Obama, the President of the United States of America, completely without any right to do so, directed Mohammar Quadaffi to leave his own country of which he has been the President and Top Military Leader since forever where it is completely within his right to remain.
That it makes no sense to kill more people from the outside because people are being killed within escapes the egomaniacs who have taken over in the USA. Sadly, Barak Obama thinks he rules the world. He is only the President of the United States of America, not of any other place in the world. Nor would I have any American be in charge in any other place in the world. Hell, I don't even want them in charge here. They are hell on earth.

They posture and pretend
that they care about human rights.

That's a lie.

Just yesterday, for the second time, I received an inquisition and threat regarding the state of my health (which is dire at best, else I would long ago have abandoned this hell) because I "had the audacity" to adress a public figure (I am a private individual), the Governore of New Jersey, on an issue which affects many people. As typical, his ego can't withstand question, so he uses the Federal Government to retaliate for his own private purpose, which is against the law. And on it goes and so forth.

The United States (aka "USsians") love to apportion funds to beat people into submission and create wars. Feed, house or deliver medical care and need help to their own, they tell us as the Romans said to Jesus "get yourself down from the cross". "You're American. Get your own whatever.." And so they do. By plunder on an individual basis in various and sundry ways. Victimizing th elderly and infim by robbing their houses and their bank accounts under the guise of "Home Care" which they do not give. And the Government adds to the problems by refusing to give qualified, duly trained and competent persons their worthy and merited "Cerifications" unless the mentioned vicitims in addition to paying the workers also pay agency fees on top of the salaries.

Obviously. some people are still being fooled by the Hollywood styled news reports and politics wherein everything is so pretty, spacious, harmonious and blessed with a never ending flow of money which has no source and has no end.

It is not the truth. People, wake up. Tell them who they are and where their rights end. Their rights end where they deny you your right to be who you are, to dress as you choose, for women to not be forced to work outside of their household. In the home is work enough. It is obviously in the absence of a wife a very valid job. Why is it not for those of us who remain without husbands because of their wars?

It is no secret I never wanted to be in the USA. It is no secret that if I had a choice I would not be here today. Aside from having been here most of my life, all my benefit and tax monies paid to the USA, if I leave, they will refuse my medicine, they will refuse my medical care and they will cut my Social Security benefits by 20% and if I should try to make up the difference by working in another country, they will take even more money away.

I need the UN to examine US foreign policies regarding persons who have been enslaved to the US their entire lives and when in their golden years they finally feel they have achieved the freedom to return home, the USA will strip them of anything and everything their life work has earned.

Be warned world: The USA is the "Big Brother" George Orwell wrote about. It is the "whore that sits upon many waters" that the Revelation(s) of St. John the Divine imply. But everyone is afraid to state the truth of that. Just look at the geography. It's self-evident. Do something.

I knew something was rotten when I heard on the news reporst live from Lybia the chants in English "Quadaffi has to go". Since when do Lybians carry out their daily activities and rebellions in English? You people in power better start paying attention or resign because you're no knowledgable enough to be in office. There was peace in Lybia. Now?Because of why?

So I am requesting this"Do not touch my Flutter by's. Go after the mosquitoes. Do not touch my country. Hit the heart of the beast if you must but leave the carcass for it's intrinsic worth."

Prinzessin Hohenzoller

Yes, I would gladly leave the USA. But they destroyed my life and they will pay for that. And I will not allow them to cause my USA born and allieged stepfather's death to be caused by it. He would die if I were to leave now.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Your POW

Apologies to all MySpace, Sodahead friends-things have been nuts and I can't get caught up..but anyway, here's one of my "latest-in-progress"."Your POW"

Todat for once
I'm eating lunch
Not what I usually do
But I've been up
Since 5 o'clock
Forced notes thru a sweet tuned
In the "Easy Listening" queue.

This life is hell
Worse than the spell
Sleeping Beauty's years passed in
She got to dream
But I can't sleep
Alone for far too many years
But I won't marry one of you
I am P O W.

Not by my choice
Not by my voice
Not willfully consensual
I'm in this land
Where greed commands
Only thing I know for sure
I'm a Prisoner of War.

Hey, what went wrong?
I once was strong
And happy as a morning lark
But that's been gone
Too far, too long
Three thousand miles ago
Where we lived free and shared in peace
I'm talking 'bout
In the E.U.

Here I am
Ain't got no man
And no one stands
To surrender to
Though you tried to
Bend me, twist me break me too
You didn't succeed
I'm someone who still
Loves her homeland
More than you.

I haven't changed
I'm still the same
In my heart and my brain
And the more you demand
And seize and command
To force me to be you
I'm more your P.O.W.
All you did
Was teach me to hate
The things you pretend
Yet love my homeland
Even more.

This letter is
To who it fits
From your P.O.W.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller
in the USA on 9th March 2011