Thursday, February 24, 2011

Double Nothing Still Equals Nothing

New Jersey's Governor Christopher Christie stated he would double the Homestead Rebates IF someone could get the state employees to contribute 30% to their medical costs. That is not even funny.

The rebates for 2009 which were not rebated still have not been credited to the property taxes as promised. So the people of New Jersey are in for double zero, as it now stands. And they are not the ones responsible for setting the benefits or lack thereof for state workers. Guess who is? Apparently, the Republicans seemed to imply it was formerly Governor Corzine and alluded that a relationship with Karla Katz, who at the  time headed that union, prevented this very thing. Now it's the General Public's job? I don't see how.

And cutting back Medicaid is a sadistic, cruel, and not grounded in reality very, very, very bad joke. Medicaid for year has failed to pay doctors, pharmacies, labs and hospitals. They are the biggest tax loss those entities can claim. Especially so if a person has both Medicare and Medicaid. In those instances, Medicare is the primary payor. Medicaid is the secondary, responsible for the copays of 20% or less which Medicare doesn't cover. They don't pay it. Many docotrs refuse to accept patients with Medicaid insurance because they don't get paid. Other providers carry the patient with a "non-paying secondary" notation. People in need of medical care, unable to keep gainful employment due to illness, are periodically kicked off the Medicaid rolls anyway, for any excuse their flim-flam artists can conceive.

A balanced budget is a fine aspiration for us all. But who has achieved it? Now that Mr. Christie has the people paying his bills, his aversion thereto has carried over into the government. I know where the money ia that should be going to the Constitutionally demanded "general welfare of the public". It's going into private pockets. Consultants who glory in how much more they can get on a government consulting job than the public sector pays, especially in computer applications. A lot of it is going into the pockets of slackers and incompetents and the flim-flam scam artists who get paid a pretty penny for figuring and applying unrealistic mathematical equations which have nothing to do with reality or actual cost of living. And in sending ou the same notices month after month which have nothing to do with the actual person to whom they are sent. Meanwhile, benefits are coming out late, but the people who are being "kicked off" food stamps and Medicaid have no such delay or period of grace to provide documents.

Unlike other political people who use town hall meetings to adress real constituent concerns, mr. Christie glories in the spotlight which the news channels are all too happy to provide. Apparently it is meant to absolve them of having to researcg actuality and reality; to get off their butts and actually meet with real people.

All this bruhaha about the t.v. shore "Jersey Shore"? I watched it once and never a second time. How immature and ungrounded can people supposedly over the age of 21 be? Why on earh would anybody want to watch a whole bunch of nothings become celebrities because some network said they are? Change the channel, people. Or are you all too brainwashed to change the channel? You must be. You're all too brainwashed to stand up against incompetent government. You just allow and whine. You can recall him out of office by petition, you know. Or are you planning on leaving the state?

My parens bought their New Jersey home in 1959. After 52 years, the entire family will be leaving New Jersey by year's end. That consists of 5 households. Maybe New Jersey would be best off becoming a ghost town. They certainly don't deserve the citizens who live here, have lived here for years, have built this state and are primarily up in years. They can't afford this economy and they certainly can't afford a Governent who does nothing but demand and take. I'm not sure of the averge age of those who have some kind of government job, but their actions seems to fall into the "gimmee" generation. You know, the latchkey kids whose parents threw money instead of time and guidance at them and now they think "the law of supply and demand" means they demand money and we fork it over? In that atttitude, in this Capitalist economy where nothing is controlled except the poverty-that's enforced-there is no way to balance a budget unless we all want to go thru starving again. And I think we did too much of that when we were young. And for it we got osteoporosis, heart problems, hypertension, strokes, various cancers because we breathed in a life-long of non-cigarette pollution.

The time to leave is long  past. We had for a few years some hope of a good life after retirement. Forget about it. You'll lose your investments, your houses, everything you worked for just to pay for your old age care. Does the Government help pay for that? NOPE. So before you lose it all or get too star struck with Governor-Now_i-Can't-Eat-What_i-Want, so you can't have what you need, start planning your exodus to someplace that either gives a damn or doesn't suck you off for every last cent you've got. If you find that in the USA, I'll be stunned.

Good luck. And please pardon my typos. I've never been competent at typing. But that never stopped anyone from hiring me to do it. I used to wonder where I'd be if I ever had actually had a job doing something I was really good at. I found out.  My pay doubled first job out.
It involved Math. Something else I really hate. I wonder where I'd be if they ever hired me for my abilities rather than what suited their payroll needs. I know why the US is so far behind other developed countries. But I'm tired of giving them the answers they don't have the brains to come up with to be told that I can't even get a ride to a doctor while my car is broken when I bear that expense 99% of the time on an income of $932. a month due to what other people did to me. It makes me emotionally sick. All of it. There is no justice. But forget me entering politics. I have no patience for trying to teach grown ups who don't have the sense to get all the real information by themselves and receive no worthy compensation for it. I volunteered for a while. But it's useless. People here continuously resort to stupid. Like every time there's an election.
Prinzessin Hohenzoller

Friday, February 4, 2011

One Day, Jehova's Witnesses Came

That of itself was at a former address not an unusual occurrence. What was unusual was that my door bell doesn't work. But this time it did-I thought it was maintenance, telling me they'd repaired it.

The converstion wasn't long, but what was said left me stunned.

They asked me who ruled the world. I told them that it should be God, but it seems that money does. They told me no, the devil does. I had to agree. So it would seem, else money wouldn't rule everything.

The Bible warns that the devil will not come in an ugly form. He will try to be as attractive as possible, so as not to turn men's eyes away. I think one of them runs New York City. Poking and jabbing at the little people every time he's criticized for a remiss in duty. Now claiming someone smoking is causing the air to be befouled in NYC, of all places.

Well, maybe the man's eyes don't see as humans do, but can't anyone else see the grey surrounding you, trapped between massive buildings and in the below ground stations? The only way to clear the air there would be to close all the bridges and tunnels to all vehicles exuding emissions and allow only horse and buggies to run the streets. Yeah, well, the, road applaes can be avoided. The pollution can't. At least in those days, people could have the civility of a smoke if they chose.

My Dad worked there for years. He wasn't smoking, but he's got COPD. I haven't been to the place in years. Only to go to my embassy. I didn't stay long enough to catch cancer or pass out from lack of air. I just wanted to get out of there. There simply isn't any air. It's befouled by the stench of the vehicles and the people, their perfumes included. Most a stench I can do without. And the worst always overdouse.

But back to the original theme-about the devil ruling things. Start with the six-ring circus called "Bloomberg Television". Yeah, the devil can multitask. And how he keeps that visage so taut and perfect. How many trips to the dermatologist or Titan laser test trials did that take? And who's paying for it if it wasn't free? His NYC health insurance? Just like the majority of Republicans. I want, I've got and you can go rot.

Oh yeah, Mr. Devil Man. Keep sticking pins in the humans you use as your voodoo dolls. I've seen what you are for a long time now. I'm just waiting for the t.v. camera to see you metamorphose into the ugly thing you really are. Pretending you give hoot about the public good. You don't. You're full of excuses when it comes to your remisses. And one day someone's going to have the guts to hold you to the standards you pretend you've got.

You're not the only person who lost a parent to something. But you know what I think the truth is? Not her death, but her life that bugged you. You weren't about to be told to give her a break from your obviously constant need for attention when she wanted a cigarette. And that's what's bugging you. That's what your little vendetta is all about. The rest of us lost people too but we aren't as emotionally needy or whiny as you. And the rest of you whiners, I have no patience for you. Always got to have something to pick on, whether or not it concerns you. Dig your own graves and keep your daggers out of me. How much more useless can you make yourselves than to cover up your faults by bullying individuals? Cause that is what it is. The devil bullying people who can't do a thing about it because you don't have the guts to fix what's really wrong. And speaking of that, the ones whose noses seem most offended by cigarette smoke are the ones who burned their nostrils out doing coke. There. I've said it. It's been years since that's been stuck in my throat. I'd like to see some research done on that one.

I'm glad I don't have to watch NYC news. As much as I don't like his politics, I don't find Governor Christie half so ugly to look at. Misguided he may be, but he isn't evil. Not yet, at least. Whereas the other party mentioned always has been.

And that's what I see thru eyes that were born in clear blue skies. I lost my entire country along with my entire family and I'd give up all but two things here to get that back. But I can't. So you lost your mother before she died. Gee, what makes you so different? I doubt you even shed a tear, just were pissed off that she left you for something else again. You people need psychiatric care. People smoke. Get over yourselves. God knows I have to live with enough of your cra and to much of your yap and I can't get away from that.. I don't want you in my life, or in my choices. Don't like me smoking? Then stay away. It's part of why I light up anyway. To make you stay your distance. Because you don't. You run all over people like they don't even have a physical form. Sure, I can understand limiting smoking in confined spaces. But apparently, the air doesn't belong to all the people anymore. It belongs to the devil himself and his name is Mike Bloomberg.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller
Don't like me? Then send me home.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not Far From Fenario

In every face I looked for you
And these days am growing old
My "mother" has been buried-o
Almost now ten years ago.
But I ask of you today
Since you cannot find the way
To the Bridges they call Old
Can your guineas play in absentio?
My Saturn needs an engine-o
Parked at Paul's, it's down the road.
They have to build on order-o
And payment in advance of course.
I have no peso to my name
The last I gave for your escape
Because I told you "yes", not "no",
Because I too much loved you-o
They jailed me and they locked me in
Til I no longer knew my brain.
Though mists confused and lost my thoughts
I'd welcome you with open arms.
I'm not home in Bavario
I'm stuck here in New Jersey-o
Sad and lonely all alone
Waiting for a ghost to come.

In all the years you've vanished oh
I've known of brave men only two
One my brother, buried, oh
In April Nineteen nine nine my woe
The other's in Bund republiko.

I am not my own self-o
Who you left so long ago
My body's broken by Americo
Corporate and idio
I give up all hope of rescue
I remain here-

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Somebody Robbed the Northfield Bank

My Dad's account, to be exact.

What did they call it when a gold shipment was held or diverted by unauthorized persons? So also is this.

There was an account link set up to direct deposit funds from my Dad's sale of investments held by Charles Schwab. The money did not arrive as it should have by the first of the month. Nor had it come by the tenth.

On the tenth, the call was placed by my Dad and me to Schwab to discern the reason for this. The reply was that the cash held by Schwab for the disbursement was insufficient to meet the electronic transfer amount. They were told to sell a 20,000 shares of a certain stock and immediately disburse the amount set up in the preset account link. The person on the phone stated the sale was successful and the determined amount of cash would be directly transferred to the account on the 13th of the month. There was a question posed as to whether this was to be donelectronically or by paper check. The reply was that it was to be done electronically because the need for funds was already putting my Dad's accounts in arrears. My Dad is 76 years old; this is HIS IRA account. Additionally, the amount of time Schwab delays the issuance of such checks added to the fact that the bank refuses to clear checks for Schwab for a period of ten buisness days were also cited. The money was never transferred by Schwab. Returned check fees were charged by the bank as well as the recipient of the "insufficient funds" check.

Came 31 January 2011. Rather than risk another such I outrage, I checked the bank statement and phoned the bank. The money had not been transferred.

I called Scwhab. Despite having been sent via a former "Financial Advisor" several Powers of Attorneys, the, like the IRS, despite having these items for conduct of business on prior occassions, now claim they had no such thing. At 7:45 A.M. I phoned my Dad's home and woke him and his personal aide. We got on the phone with Schwab in a three way conversation.

No funds had been sent as they had been directed to do. They were not planning on sending funds until the 3rd of February, and they were no planning to send the funds due for January. The first excuse was that the computer said there were insufficient funds. $18,000.+ is insufficient funds for a $3,500.

The second excuse was that the account link had been de-linked. It was made clear on the conversation of January 10, 2011 that the account link was to remain intatc and the funds be transferred on the 13th of january when the stock sale "settled".

My Dad and I decided that rather than rely further on people failing to perform as directed, the entire amount of cash which Schwab was holding was to be transferred as one body to the bank. Then we were put on hold. Upon return to the phone, all assurances were made that the funds were to be transferred to the bank that day, Feb1, 2011. A call to the bank at 3:47 P.M. indicated that no such transfer had yet occurred.

By February 2, 2011, from the stress of this matter and the sudden demise of my car's engine due to an incompetent individual demanding to help jumped into my idling car to "get me out" of snow I wasn't stuck in, jamming down on the accelerator with the emergency brake on and in the process shifting the internal workings and blowing a ring. So now, requiring a new engine which will cost around $4,000., cash deposit required, no doubt.

I make few promises and even less threats. But I did tell the first Schwab employee in Texas that I am of a mind to have my Dad sell the balance of holdings with Schwab and merely placing them in a bank IRA. I have in the interim given the  matter more thought and advised my Dad we switch brokerage firms. That is a guarantee. The moment my car is on the road again, "Goodbye, Chuck. Give my regrets to your father, Charlie, whose trustworthiness established your domain. And if my parents left anything in trust with your firm, I am now going to pursue it vigorously."

They've no right to float their financial empire on the backs of what Nixon termed "the little man". It's not the first time they've done this, but the 5th at least by my count. Every January for the past 5 years, without fail, despite obviously ignorant cover letters advising my Dad he has to take a disbursement. We've been trying.

Hello, Government? Get your nose out of Egypt and clean up your domestic mess. Cuz it's brewing, and it's going to crash...when the little man can't pay the big or little guys because someone else has seized their money for the furtherance of their own empire? Somebody wake up these lollygagging in-their-comfort-zone beaurocrats whose job it is to make sure we don't get robbed. Who they are, I have no clue-but if you know who they are, get on it or get off the job.

Prinzessin Regine 'Pegi' Hohenzoller
Daughter of Nikolaus
3rd February 2011, USA