Thursday, December 2, 2010

Already Worked Myself Blind

I've heard the expression rearely in my life, but I did do that tonight. I worked on my projects so long, I could no longer see to find the things I had completed or the things I needed to complete what I was working on. I dropped a piece of rhodochrosite, not a small piece, 20 x 14 mm. Wherever it landed, it will stay til tomorrow.

I turned to my "soother" these days, jtv. It's has only beauty (except some prices and too many diamonds) and is not anout war, or murder, or hate. It's about love and giving and knowledge and they don't ask a fortune for some very lovely things. I've often fallen asleep to them talking. Sleep is a thing which often has eluded me. Mostly because people who impact my life were unstable, and there I find myself again

I worked myself blind because it seems when the former "Financial Advisors" chose to resign, it seems the main culprit did so when he could cause me the most damage, the day before Thanksgiving,  when there was no way to contact the Shwab team to assure the account link money transfer wouldn't be broken. I checked the balance at the ATM this evening. It seems the money was not transferred in. I'll check with the bank this p.m., transfer from savings and get Schwab on the line. And an attorney. There has to be a law against financial sabotage, which is exactly what this was and has been for most of the past year. It won't be the first time I filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission. That "Financial Advisers"their warning last time I needed to get the FTC. There will be a lawsuit this time, not because of one instance, but because of their failure to perform for an entire year. So I am sitting here, unable to pay my Dad's bills because one S.o.B. decided he was in charge of my Dad's finances, and me, his Attorney in Fact and Executor, was not about to have him do as I said. I don't know what the guy's problem is, or his prejudice, but he will get to pay for it. The consternation he has caused, the pain in my spine when I am hyperstressed; the his failure to deliver per agreed to terms. If he thinks he's out of the woods with the FTC, he will be hearing from consumer affairs. I don't waste my life jerking people around and I don't appreciate it when people little obsessions do so to me. I worked myself blind to forget for tonight.

I needed to link up my blog to my other sites. Speaking of people with obsessions. Why can't Microsoft/Dell stay the hell out of my computer? I logged in to find a not from Google on my e-mail that a setting had been changed. I wondered why my usual site didn't come up. So now they're all blocked from Internet Explorer compatibility view. I wonder what mess that's going to make. Definitely not more crap I needed to deal with. I just wanted to do what I had to do without all the coprporate interference from a corporate I want nothing to do with.

And they still haven't cleared up the charge they were told not to put on my vredit card and if they did so, remove it. Is there any end to these s.o.b.'s? I wish the terrorists would quit targeting "Americans" as a whole. We are victims too and things would change far better and faster if all allied lawfully to prosecute those people who make our lives miserable. The domino theory will work their too. If you stop them in the country you're in and share how you caught them, we could make them stop the unacceptable unethical behaviour too. But when we have to keep wasting tome to stop people who want to vicitimize the victims, we can't move forward for the common good, we can't stop them from hurting others because we have our esources tied up trying to stop some misguided people who lump us all in as being corporate crooks. We are not. We are their victims too. Help me. Help us. Help your world. Don't destroy what you don't know. In other words, hone your knowledge, know your target, and get the law behind you. It does sometimes work. But it works best when we're all in together on it. 

Now, to go to waht my objective was before the stupids wasted my time and got me sidetracked. As if we don't have nough reality to deal with. Some ocd computer nut has to get our attention. We don't want you to have it. OK? As soon as I get my Dad squared away, this thing is getting replaced by a Hewlett Packard or and Apple. Never again Microsoft/Dell. They even activate my AIO when it's shut off. That's alot of damn nerve. I'm sick of it.

America, be union. Like the Budesrepunlik Deutchland or France. Are you going to sit and whine about them trying to save money by making you work til you're 69 to retire? Or are you going to call them out on it? Between the age of 67 and 69, you don't have time to do anything to prepare for retirement. You have time to prepare for your funeral and that's it. If you're dead you don't cost them anything. When will you wake up Amerika?

Regine Pegi, Prinzessin of Hohenzollern