Saturday, April 30, 2011


Loathe the shattered bodies heaped
Bleeding, rotting in God's fields
Will this madness never cease?

Brave the soldier as he falls
Generals hide in steel bricked walls
God have mercy on them all.

A cold torch in the harbor stands
Lies engraved upon it's base
Enslaving countries, laying waste
Through puppets termed "Alliances".

I know all the reasons why
They force feed the world their lies
Their  own starve, suffer and die.

One common enemy untied
For ego, money,

Time has long now come and gone
 To redraw treaties forged in trust
Truth is all too plain to me
Betrayal cloaked as Liberty.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller, abduce'e',
Whose presence in the USA remain against her will, trapped by US "Policies", the abductress(deceased) having been abeted by the US Government.

About The Wedding...

The wedding was absolutely impeccable; clean, pure, perfection and it was a joy to get a reprieve from the usual fare we're served. Although there came a point when it was being talked to death with nothing said.

In particular, about the Obamas:
A. They are not family
B. They are not friends
C. Their presence would have endangered the entirety of not only the Royal Family, but everyone who came to celebrate.

So it is the price that's paid for thinking you are so much more than anyone and everyone else in the world.
The price you pay for your ego going out of control
The price you pay for thinking everyone owes it ot bow to your whims and ego.
The price you pay for having your hands in other country's pockets.
And I hope it is a lesson that continues to be employed whenever someone becomes tyranical.

And if you have no clue about how big the family is, go back a few years. Victoria and Albert had 18 children. The ones who lived married people all over the Eurpean continent into Russia. And they had children who married who had children.......

It was not a day for politics. It was a day for a son to marry his bride. That he is a Prince in every sense of the word both really and as story books would have it made it all the more welcome and loved. Obviously very much in love and happy together, comfortable and joyful in each other's company and caring for each other. What is in the future is not now. And now and today were not the time for anyone to push forward their politics, their agendas or their wars. It was a great day of joy for the subjects of Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth Regina II and those who will one day be in her place. And I am so proud of everyone who was there and totally thrilled by the outpouring of love and support which so many through the years tried to take away.

God save the Queen. Long live the Monarchy.

Regine Pegi

Thursday, April 28, 2011

To William of Wales & Catherine

Regretably still unable to escape USA. Dr. says in addition to all else, now Fybromyalgia. Not much doubt on my part. Trial run of medication seems to be helping in spurts here & there. Lack of sleep & noise from highway & downstairs has me putting wax in my ears. Want to jump on a plane and go home in the worst way---but not so willing to go on  a USA Passport. Dreamsing. Some days I don't get as far as my car.

Of course I do wish all happiness and blessings forever after.......

DO, it William! Win the Day!!

Regine Pegi
(whoever I am)(Prinz Nikolaus' daughter-le abduce'e')

Monday, April 25, 2011

ROCK MY SOUL- "Wars" copyright Pegi Regine Hohenzoller


Angel, Keep watch over me
Mother, won't you stand by me
In this world of cruelty
Angel, keep watch over me.

I've seen the endless death machine
Wars of money, wars of schemes
Blood ran red on my green fields.

I've seen the hopeless ones oppressed
Wars of power,wars of death
Tears rund deep inside my crest.

Wars of liars, wars of greed
Of money, politics and schemes;
Wars of church or government
On my green fields
Blood still runs red.

I have skipped to page 41 of the book due to the strikes alleged to have been carried out by Norway. I withhold my defense of you for your actions.

Regine Pegi

Friday, April 22, 2011

About 12/21/2012

This "end date" does not proclaim the date of the occurrences, but the date when they have passed and time will be to rebuild.

What will occur during a time in the month previous is that the alignment of the planets will eclipse the sun and block it's light and warmth from the Earth. It will be a time of severe cold and dark days. It may be that the "Blue Star" referred to is what the sun in eclipse of three celestial orbs will appear to be. In the US primarily, because of the lack of foresight in the construction of it's interdependent energy delivery system, the systems will break down. This will cause a widespread malfunction of everything which is interconnected with that system-heating, light, transportation, manufacture. Survival. Most of the power generating and carrying systems will break down. DEW systems will fail. Alarms will go off. While this is dangerous enough of itself, the greater danger lies in that the intitial response of the populace in ignorance will blame another country and claim sabotage or terrorist attack and we can have only the most stable and least volatile persons at the helm to prevent a globally annihilating war. The defense systems of US and all other nations will not be spared the effect of the Universal Decision.....should anyone be fool enough to undertake or initiate an act of aggression or war, the developed nations will fall not like dominoes, but like an overturned chessboard and will be no more than ruins which once were instruments of destruction of the Earth.

Those who remain will find their survival in the fruits of the Earth not destroyed by radiation; for a time, perhaps, but if war is the response to a Universal Alignment, it may well be the end of all creatures who inhabit the land we call Earth.

And that cannot be ignored.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller

Prophecy & Speculation

Of course, possessing ESP to some degree, predictions are of great interest to me. Perusing history, there is an extreme amount of accuracy in what is written; not so in the interpretation.

A frequent reference being Nostradamus' predictions for Catherine de Medici. All correct. The last I heard broadcast unfortunately ascribes the ending of that quatrain to referring to the USA when in fact it refers to and describes France, not the US of A. But of course, it is a bad habit writers have to try and win audience by putting "a spin" on things which will massage egos and gain acceptance among the targeted populace. It is a bad thing to do when we or someone other will have to prepare ourselves for war and other probable disasters.

There is another "Nostradamus" prophecy which had been speculated to mean New York. But look at it closely and match the actual topography. It referes to the Gulf of Mexico/Mississippi Delta Region.
 "The world's garden (New Orleans) near the new city(He is French, so is that region)/In the road of the hollow mountains (Ozarks-Mississippi River being "the road")/Will be taken up and plunged in the basin (HUrricane Katrina)/Forcd to drink sulfurous poisoned waters (oil spill)". That is very clear.

A writing of late being claimed to refer to Sadam Hussein, no, not that man.
  "He will make his entrance (he didn't "make an 'entrance'"), wicked, bad, illfamed/tyrannizing Mesopotamia/All friends made of an adulterous spirit/the land horrible. black of aspect". Sounds more like Hitler or another who seeks to seize on a mass scale what was not his. Kuwait isn't huge.

And always, the Divine Revelation of St. John, referred to as "the Book of Revelations". We know some of the references, but there is one which continually is misidentified, either thru fear of truth, plain old "cover up" or fear of retribution. It is "The whore that sits upon many waters". There is only one Nation which "sits upon many waters" and that is the United States of America. Count them. Bering Strait, the Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean North, Pacific Ocean South, Gulf of Mexico,numerous Bays, Canal of Panama; there are 5 great lakes; the Mississippi River, the Rio Grande, multiple smaller rivers and as it's Navy has bragged of late, all the waters of the world.   So how is there a question in regard to that? It is physically clear and manifest.

Regarding 12/21/2012; I have to draw out the chart and study the aspects before the picture shows in my psyche but being aware of the various measure of time and it's changes even in Christendom, I am of the moment not certain if that what is called a date is a date or a code in need of further interpretation. Looking at the day itself only does not hold the answer; it may be a point of culmination, earlier than that there will be a connjunction of The sun, Mercury, Venus and close alignment of the moon in the sign of Saggitarius. Any such tight alignment of gravitational forces in one area - in this case, approximately half the orbs of this Solar System, is bound to manifest something. Jehova's Witnesses years ago predicted the End of this World as to occur in the year 2013 AD.

It merits more study, less speculation and a more objective, non-nationalist view.

The Declaration of Independence (from England) was signed under the sign of Cancer. But as with many others born under the sign often attributed to motherhood and nurture, there is a strong dependence on things not of oneself for surival. The United States may have claimed Independence from Britain, but she depends on the rest of the world for everything. Including her egocentricity and refusal to be countermanded, no matter how wrong. And that has been getting far worse than ever before. WWI and WWII were not endless wars (or shouldn't have been). But Vietnam must have been far more lucrative, as it is become a habit to continue to do likewise in many other regions of the world. Especially if they are thought to contain oil, which was the primary reason the French, the British and the Americans were in Vietnam in the first place. Not to stop the spread of communism, but to keep any available oil for themselves. Considering the land mass of China and Russia,  I think they have about as much territory and resources and population to be self-contained and self-sufficient for some time without the need of converting the whole world to Socialism/Communism. Only Capitalist greed has that need.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller
On the anniersary of the Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, AD2011 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Woe to Him Who Harms the Earth"----The Bible

That is what The Bible says.

The sniggering of some idiot USA Republican on the announcement that there is being enacted "A Bill of Rights to Life for the Earth" showed his ignorance and defined the reason such a Bill of Rights is neccessary. I'd love to ignore politics, but you insult my intelligence and my morality.

They have no respect for the very thing which sustains all life on this planet, themselves included. Yet they claim to be "Chrisitian". Obviously, they have either never read the Bible, never comprehended it's wisdom, or just plain old don't give a damn. God gave man DOMINION over the Earth, to tend it and keep it, not DOMINATION, or the wanton destruction and abuse of every aspect of it from humans to animals to plant life, to terrain or the things which the Earth contains within itself. How much "blood" can be extracted from anything before something collapses? How much can you suck out from under the crust of the Earth before it collapses, causing tidal waves, earthquakes, disarrayed resultant weather patterns?

If you haven't seen the latest statistics on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, check out this quarter's "Wildlife" Magazine (Defenders of Wildlife). It gives the stats.

There is also a very easy to understand page about chickens and eggs. I will not purchase any eggs which are not "free range" or "cage free". Beyond the anger at the cruelty, it should by now be well known what happens when geese are kept penned in tight to create liver pate. Chickens are not egg machines. The people who employ the caged (dubbed "conventional") tactics are not farmers, they are manufacturers. I do not know what chemical changes happen in the bodies of chickens whose lives are confined, but I do believe it has much to do with why the eggs may now be harming humans.

My "Oma" raised chickens. Her eggs were sought from kilometers around. They were the tastiest, with the darkest, most nutritious yolks. They won awards and took top price at any time. They had shells which would withstand riding in a basket on a bicycle for at leat 12km. She got up at 5 AM every day, cooked their special mash, and clucked to them to come out of their hutches. They roamed free. I'm from farm country where the roads were not cluttered nonstop with cars and convenyances not required for real organic farming. I tasted the difference in the food from day one in the USA. Everything tasted the same, like cardboard. Is it any wonder then that Americans use too much salt, too much sugar? It's gotta taste like something more than it does. Nothing. Even tomatoes don't taste like tomatoes. Nor does lettuce, nor do strawberries; in fact I don't buy what I should at the grocery store because it costs way too much for something that just causes disappointment. And usually, these items have no shelf life, even refrigerated. They rot before they can be eaten. And that's in winter in New Jersey. How did we keep our potatoes, cabbages, apples, thoughout an entire winter when they don't even last two weeks here? The only answer I have is that ours were fully organically farmed; that's right, they used manure for fertilizer, has special "lockers"(not refrigerators) wherein these things were kept. The buildings weren't made of chalk and paper. We had shutters on the windows, not for decoration, but to close them. They keep out not only bad weather and conserve heat in winter, they also allay intruders. America is bare by comparison. Despite all the landscaping, there still are not in place the most elemental of things of survival: shutters on the windows and construction which is self-insulation. In other words, concrete blocks.

So when are you smirking egotistical capitalists going to get smart? Not in my lifetime it seems. With everyone in the world and especailly the US government calling on everyone to conserve oil, aka gasoline, one of his first official acts as Governor of New Jersey was Christopher Christie cutting subsidies to public transportation. What could be more anti-American? And you idiots think he'd make a good President?

God save America. Because you are too stupid so far to save yourselves and the rest of us are tired of trying to get you to "get it" and copy off our answers. I hope the woes the Bible refers to befalls those to whom it is due. Before it's too late to save the rest of the world. God only promised he would never again destroy the entire world by use of water. That leaves a lot of options. If you don't destroy everything yourselves before he takes you out from among those who are truly his-I don't care if you call yourself Muslim, Jewish, Hebrew, Palestinian, Agnostic, or that Hollywood  thing. We all live under the same roof, in the same Universe and on the same planet and the same rules apply when it comes to living things and life. Stop destroying it. Maybe then the rest will find less reason to want to destroy you. God included. There is no excuse for your abuse.

I do my best not to lose patience with you. Psychometric testing WHILE I HAD A MASSIVE HEAD INJURY indicated that even then. when I was feeling "much stupider than usual", placed my intelligence level in the top 20% of the nation. What I blurted at the time was "So I don't just think they're stupid, they really are that stupid?" And he said "That's not even considering the ones who fall below the 50% margin." God help me. You people ate not competent to decide who and what governs me. And certainly not who or what governs the remainder of the world. I give up. Destroy yourselves. But leave me and the other innocents out of your wanton, ignorant destruction. Because I don't know how you managed to graduate from school, much less college, but you've been to dumb to understand what you were taught and I do not have the patience to teach. You are heading for disaster and my only regret is that I'm stuck in it because of your greedy, jealous, egocentric ignorance.

Prinzessin Pegi von Vater Nikolaus

Monday, April 4, 2011

Twenty Two Dollars and Twelve Cents

Twenty two dollars and twelve cents is my food stamp allotment for April, 2011. That is despite a $150.+ electric bill and $117. medical copat aside from my normal medicine. With no increase in Social Security Disability money for three years. No increase in the cost of living, they claim. Bull crap, I say.

And they claim this carnage along the Mediterranenan coasts is for Europe's sake? Europe has had no quarrel with Lybia. In fact, the US has had a quarrel with Europe for trading with Lybia. The truth is, Obama isn't black. That's just a mask he used like performers used whiteface because they couldn't appear on stage as black. He couldn't appear and win as what he really is: a White Capitalist Pig.

OK, I said it. So stop calling him a nigger. Because he isn't. And that's the sadness of his betrayal of all the people.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller

Friday, April 1, 2011

ROCK MY SOUL - "Misty Candle Vapor Dance"(Copr. Hohenzoller(n))


Monday midnight sunshine
Comes through a broken afternoon
A broken pain like shattered glass
Distorts the prismic color stain
Chameleon feelings hide therein
Flashing through the fading rays.

As timeless eyes search mindless times
Night crawls in to hide the day
A veil of tears, a soft fine mist
Blends with the air, then disappears.

Then misty candle vapors
Call to our ghosts to dance
They twirl and bow and beckon you
Paint symphonies around the room;
Though once again they'll be refused
They do their dieing dance for you.

Burning moon comes breaking in
Through uncurtained window sills
Coloring th plants and flowers
In palates of the pre-dawn hours
While misty candle vapors dance
And call our ghosts to take command.

Pegi Regine
Reign Peace

ROCK MY SOUL - "Phantom Lovers" (copyright Hohenzoller(n))


Sometime I
Have gone to sleep
With heavy fever for some guy
To wake with his name
On my lips,
My body wrapped
Around my sheets,
Wondering if
He felt it too,
Or if it had been
Too private a thing
For him to ever know.

The phantom lovers
Under my covers
Who probably never were
Never knew they were there
With the fever fone
I could go on
Not needing them.

If there was
Anything there at all
Outside of my dreams, my thoughts
It was over.
It was done.
No risk of rejection
No discovery fright
No girlfeinds
No buddies
No wives.
Phantom lovers come
When I sleep
And as I awaken,

Pegi Regine (minor rev. April 1 2011)