Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gato Noire-A Sad Part

My little Midnight cat, the subject of my poetic tribute in "Rock My Soul" for some reason decided to stop eating. My initial remedy was to buy two of everything on the market to tempt her. No success. She was, however, drinking water. No defecation except a couple hard little rabbit pellets.

Next stop, veterianarian. God love her, she has been the best thing for my animals and me. They love her. I tell Midnight, "we go see Dr.K_ _ _ _ tomorrow. Midnight allows me to put her into the carrier with no fuss, no fight. It was not always so. I had to trap her, even with a top loading carrier, in a corner where the only escape was into the carrier. And she cried. And she vomited. Never pleasant, but she has formed an affinity to this doctor. She knows shw will feel better afterward.

We're not thru this yet. It seems Midnight has had kidney failure. Dr. K gave her an antibiotic injection; sub-cutaneouos rehydration, and blood work. By the time I got Midnight home, she had perked up and was eating. Finally.

Next day was insane. My stepfather's home care person's incompetence left me dealing with multiple issues-trip to cardiologist, lunch, bank, to his home, moving his nebulizer so the air intake ports were not blocked and making it fucntional again (his lips were cyanotic at lunch). Ms. I-don't-have-a-brain-in-my-head-cause-I'm-lazy finally saw fit to tell me something was wrong with "his big toe". I took a look. There was something wrong with the entire foot. From the color, I panicked for a moment, saying "Might have to go to hospital." On furhter examination, I noted two injuries which had occurred a few days earlier and most likely in that yellow spectrum that broken blood vessels get in the process of healing, though very swollen. I ordered ice packs for the next several hours and went home for a nap. I was woken by the awaited timely call from the vet. She said the kidney "values" were very elevated, that I would continue to give the antibiotic injections for the next week and I was to bring Midnight in so the vet tech could show me the actual procedure for subcutaneous rehydration. Midnight was a perfect little lady thoughout the entire process. She has always been a super-good cat, with some of the endearing qualities of normal cats, like scratching the furniture and walls, but always responding immediately to my voice. I have never had to yell at this cat.

Midnight's rehydration complete, I brought her home and made a "soup" of her food-she drank it, plus water. She finally defecated while I was out on part II of covering caregiver slacking-picking up medicine for Dad, rechecking his foot, and rebandaging his hand which she now claims she dow not know how to do (after bandaging my stitched hand for a week last year). The pharm tech dropped the new nebulizer filters outside my bag. The pharmacy called and I had to go back. And forgot to pick up my own asthma medication. Contrary to rumor, cats do not give people asthma. My asthma was uncontrollable until Miss Midnight decided to move in.

Miss Midnight came with two who were left of her first litter, who were adopted out. She then presnted me with four more. I knew the night she was going to have them, I left early despite having some songs to sing still. I went to sleep. In the morning, I checked the closet I had cleared for her delivery. It looked like she had four sets of rolled up little socks next to her, two fully black, two fully white. The two little black ones were in demand, the two little white ones I kept. As they grew, they developed "points", one short haired, the second for a time looking like a fuzzy little caterpillar. One turned out Tonkinese, the other Balinese. Miss Midnight herself is a Bombay. I told her, I have no idea who you were with, but you certainly have excellent taste. She was a good little mommy cat, and I made sure she knew that. She gave me the biggest, longest lasting joys I have ever had in my life. But the pollution and carcinogens took their lives when they were 12 years old. I thought I would die, that my heart would explode. Miss Midnight wasn't faring much better. Much support from my vet for me and what to do for my little girl. But it wasn't the same. Even now she looks for them. There was a beaver "out back", who from a distance resembled my Dusty Kitty. She'd call to him from the window. One day I saw one dead in the road. Our beaver came back no more.

They say there is little hope for cats with renal disease, that it is always fatal. Something always is. My Midnight cat is 18 years old by the vet estimate; I thought 17. She came to me 15 years ago and has been a very content and sweet companion except if her litter box wasn't pristine clean. Then I wouldn't hear the end of it. She insisted I immediately clean after her use of it.

One winter after I lost my "little guys", there was a cat in distress in the ice & thaw cycle. I hadn't planned to keep her, but Midnight, I thought, might want the company and the cat seemed well behaved. Then there came a jealousy. So today, after I heard a hissing from the bedroom where I had put Midnight for peace, Kawasaki Kitty got chased out of there by me. We had a twenty minute conversation. This cat answers me! There has been peace since then. A really good kitty. She always finds the part of me that is in pain and lays across it and the pain goes away, like she is absorbing it into herself. I hope it isn't hurting her.

Meantime, I was down all Saturday from exhaustion:physical, mental, emotional. I made the cat "soup" for both cats. Kawasaki isn't eating Midnight's food anymore, but is also not eating if Midnight isn't. That's a little extreme compensation, so I'll have to remind Kawasaki that she is to eat her own food.

Later today I will be making my first attempt at subcutaneous rehydration. Midnight is very good. I'm very good at giving needles; one of the little ones I lost took seven years of insulin shots from me. And he'd come to me when it was time for his next dose. Wish my stepdad was the same when it came to his. One night I had already drawn his blood and given him his shot and he was sitting there with his sleeve up, telling me he wasn't going to wait all night that way. He pitched a fit that I'd done it without him "knowing." That was the point. It only hurt him because he knew what I was doing, not that what I did was hurting him. I had to leave the house. His whining and howling was unbearable and beyond absurd. I don't think it'll be that hard to give my Midnight what she needs.

So we return to the vet next Friday. Meanwhile, some research revealed that a commonly prescribed antibiotic by the name of Gentomicin is suspected in contributing to kidnay failure. Yes, Miss Midnight had some for an ongoing eye condition she came to me with when she first became "my cat". Another interesting item is that a drug called Tresaderm is also used. Tresaderm contains Merck manufacture thiabendiazole, which contains significant level of nickel and/or zinc as it's effective ingredient and it was working on the site which manufactures this during the manufacture time that nearly killed me. The Merck Index claims there is no lethal dosage level in this primarily agricultural substance, but further independent sources do list and LD level on it. Why is that? It's their biggest money maker and the will blame anything they can rather than admit their product is not only a potentially lethal substance, but has also in fact intensified the funguses it is supposed to control. And we get to drink the milk from the cows they use it for instead of rigorous cleanliness and correct lighting.

Making the entire thing typical of USA's failure to keep up with modern medicine, a drug was developed which everywhere else prolonged the lives of cats with renal failure. Novartis got the rights to it by purchasing the division of Saankyo Lifetech which manufactures "Kremezin". I do not know if the FDA has finally gotten around to approving it yet orif it's hung up in their capitalist machine as with most things. The most expensive drugs have the trial periods waived and sometimes kill people. They've had since prior to 2004 to test and approve Kremezin.

Meanwhile, all I can do is what I have to do and hope my little Miss Midnight (she is only 7 lbs. right now) has the will and strength to get through this; that I have the blessings of God once again to effect through me the healing which I am about to undertake this week and probably the next few years. Having had this cat for so many years, I'm far from ready to let her go any time soon. I put a Miraculous Medal on her collar because when I wore it andprayed over my stepdad's diabetic wounds, they healed within two weeks after not responding for 18 months. The docotr at the outset then told me "You are doing the Lord's work now." Yes, I guess I am again. I pray Divine Providence be with me to heal this little cat.

Prinzessin Hohenzoller
July 3, 2011